Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A little windy McGee?


4 early risers, 2 Regulars, and 4 overachievers posted this morning for a 70’s and sunny run.

The Thang

Take Grove to Malvern to Laburnam – go 22:30 and return.

Mad Dog took us out


With no sign of Lockjaw before 0530, YHC made the call for the directions and time, Hardywood made the executive decision that he needed to run by his office for a security check; 3 others followed. They all posted about 6.5 miles.

Healing prayers for Sippy and Swiper (in unrelated incidents)

Bleeder out


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great run guys – that wind was something else – wow !
    Way to work !
    No sign of Tits McGee …..

  2. I will need to think twice about following Hardywood next time! Although by the time we finished 6.5, I wasn’t cold anymore. We contemplated running to Lockjaw’s house and making him cook us waffles, but we couldn’t exactly remember where he lived. Next time.

  3. Thanks for taking the lead Bleeder. Great to run with Bodos, Gomer and Mad Dog.

    I remembered from long ago that Sippy and Saab ran the same route to squeeze in a little extra during the alotted 45 time. What I failed to remember is that they are both bionic. But if the price for a little over extension is some extra quality time with Bodos and Gomer, it was worth it.

    One could say that a common theme in my life is to under estimate certain challenges, and over estimate my ability accomplish them in certain parameters. It won’t ever be boring, I can tell you that much.

    Also, good lord it was cold.

  4. In LJ’s defense, he did serve up the Q around 12 am Friday morning via Slack. Hard to believe no one bit.