Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Swing your partner


4 men appeared for a beatdown on the eve of the first Richmond ‘blizzard’ of 2020. Mosey to basketball court for COP: SSH, arm circles, Imperial walkers, DQ, helicopters. Head over to the track for bear crawl catch-up. Partner up, start on opposite sides of the track, first partner bear crawls, second partner runs to catch them, then starts bear crawl, while first partner does 10 LBC’s, 20 SSH and 30 shoulder taps prior to running. Repeat until 2 circuits of the track have been completed.

Mosey to hill at the back of school, stopping at each playground area to do 20 dips, 60-80 in all (depending on your definition of “area”). Switch partners, first partner does runs up hill to the playground, then backwards down the hill to relieve second partner, switch. Exercises done by second partner were balls to the wall, squats, merkins and boxcutters. Go until both partners have done all exercises twice.

Mosey to parking lot in front of school, parking lot tracers for 30 seconds, then complete 10 merkins while saying a prayer of thanks for a loved one, total of 3 minutes. Mosey to flag, numberama, namerama, YHC took us out.


YHC has not been to the Anvil in several weeks, felt great to get back. Mumblechatter was lively throughout, and the title of this backblast came from the PAX singing a song about dosee doeing with their partner. Lots of partner work today, inspired by YHC’s frequent thoughts this week of our brother, Wild Thing, who recently lost his M to cancer. Please keep him and his family in your prayers, and for those wishing to attend the services this weekend, The Carpenter put out a preblast today with details. Thanks for letting me lead today.

As usual, I have No Idea what I’m doing….


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