Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



6 Warriors posted on a Thursday morning. Weather was sunny and 70.

As I had the Q today, I decided to fulfill Bodo’s goal of a couple of weeks ago by doing the entire workout in the Gazebo. We did an initial run around the school, then headed to the Gazebo. COP followed by a set of lindsey’s with pole smokers and WWiI situps with bear crawls in between. Next up was jumping rope and lunges in teams. Last set of lindsey’s was merkins and SSH. Short version of Mary and then out. We finished the workout and COT under the Gazebo. 45 minutes in a cold freezing rain, a great workout and we finished up dry. All in all a good day. Should you want to hear about the mumble chatter, see Bodos. He led us in a long discussion of grooming for men.

I took us out with a thought that I had the other day. The thought: I know we are going through tough times and there is a lot of suffering in the world. It is true that these times are challenging. But in context of what our ancestors went through, and the quality of life that we have, I have been trying to be more grateful for what I have been blessed with. Society, and us as individuals will go through challenges, and we should always strive to improve, but let’s not lose sight of how blessed we are. A little bit of positivity might brighten your and other days. YHC just wants to acknowledge that this sound pretty preachy typed out. It is not meant to be that way and hopefully was delivered with a tone of aspiration.



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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Enjoyed the workout and mumble chatter this morning. M was confused when I got home and was completely dry.

  2. The dry was just what the doc ordered today. Looks like the fartsack claimed many this a.m. Good clean humor with this crew is like morning coffee: much needed to start the day.