Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A PAX of three* attacked Twin Team Hill with gusto for another episode of The Sisyphus. For a brief few minutes, three was four, but Nature called Doozy away and brought LIFO to new levels…hope you made it back in time! For those not privy to The Sisyphus, here’s what happens: Mosey to the summit of Twin Team, dropping flower pots/cones as place markers along the way. For each round, the PAX runs from the summit, performs the prescribed exercise, then returns to the summit. Repeat for each marker until the bottom. 1: bear crawl back to summit 2: 30…

YHC arrived this morning with intel that Kubota and Gumbo were starting early to get some extra credit for the half marathon. Swirly liked the idea so much he joined them-YHC thinks! Flag planted with Upchuck saying good morning……33 super troopers posted, runners and bikers, to make sure Friday started off in the most completely awesome way. The route……Westbound on Grove. R on Henri. R on St. Christopher’s. R onto Patterson… 4 milers…..Patterson to Libbie and take a R. L on Grove and back to the flag. 5 milers….Patterson to Hamilton and take a R. R on Grove and back…

Johnsonville and Attila were already positioned in the usual starting spot in the Mills Godwin parking lot when YHC arrived and just before 5:30, Krü arrived, making for a PAX four strong.  After a brief discussion about who would take the Q, we began the following, just as the automatic lights flickered on under the bus awning:  COP startup with SSH x 20, shift to the grass for 5 Up/Downs, back to the asphalt for 15 x IWs, DQs, Hillbillies, Helicopters, and Cherry Pickers.  Finished with single and double arm circles, forward and reverse. Staying in place, complete 10 x…

It’s the first MANNdate of the month, so time for the Murph!  The PAX rolled out of bed and geared up to hoist some iron and a little running. Run a mile, then do 100 halos, 200 demon crushers, and 300 lawnmowers, run another mile if there is time. YHC took us out. NMS There’s a tradition to greet the month at MANNdate with the Murph.  Not everyone seems to recall the tradition, and YHC was happy to serve up the reminder.  There was mumblechatter during the run about fear of stepping in a hole as the route circumnavigated the whole…

Slow day at Timberwolf as YHC stood in the flag waiting for Gumbo to return from his EC mile.  Beaker was riding solo this morning with the New Market crew being otherwise occupied on this lovely October morning. On the initial mosey to the parking lot YHC mentioned that YHC’s M has been doing a workout that did a lot of things that we already do.  After having her list the order of things to try it out on the PAX, YHC forgot to review it this morning and was struggling to remember of the list of 10 exercises.  Since…

Twenty-seven warriors came forward to remember the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Mogadishu. COP Arm Circles Don Quixote Russian Soldiers Helicopters Strut behind YHCs car and grab two bricks.  One lucky pair got the cinder block.  Head west on Grove running Stop in front of Locke Lane Appartments and perform Boo-Yah merkins with your bricks in your hands while waiting for the six.  Exchange cinder block custody and continue west. Stop at the parking lot by the market and perform eight burpees with bricks in hands.  Turn your brick on end and perform abyss merkins balanced on the ends…

3 runners, 1 rider, and a 2.0 hit the roller-coaster in the Wednesday evening heat. Kubota and Husky did a loop then went off to church. YHC did 3 loops, each loop seeing more deer. Lug and TYA were not spotted but vehicles were spotted by YHC.

5 men posted to SOT to start their hump day with a beatdown.  No Q signed up, so YHC broke out the KBs and a jump rope and off we moseyed…here is what followed: Mosey to track and complete our daily mile…check. Circle up at the bottom of the hill for a brief COP, including: DQs Helicopters SSHs LBCs Tempo Merkins THANG: KB Suck Rotation (Gumbo)  4 pain stations and 1 rabbit (timer) – AMRAP exercises until rabbit  runs to the top of the hill and back down, then rotate.  In round 2 – run backwards up and forwards down. Round…

11 WDog regulars posted today to take on The Murph, two of whom were first timers to the prescribed beatdown. The Murph: Run 1 mile. Stop 3/4 of the way for planks to collect the six. Head into the rusty cage as one. 10 sets: 10 pull-ups / 20 merkins / 30 squats Run 1 mile back to the flag. Stop 3/4 of the way for 10 helicopters IC to collect the six. Elliot took us out. Announcements: CSAUP on 10/20. See TYA for details / Marmaduke is collecting winter coats on Saturdays at either AO for the forseeable future. Let’s help…

8 davillians showed up this morning and I gave them 5.  A lot of times. Short Mosey to COP — 5x of each of the following sets, no pauses in between exercises — all IC 1) 5 SSH into 5 merkins 2) 5 WW2, 5 American Hammers 3) 5 Booyah Merkins, 5 plank jacks Shorter mosey to the bus loop for a 5 corners exercise. At each corner start doing exercise.  Some time after the 6 arrived, YHC counted 5 more out loud and then we moved onto the next corner. run to 1st corner, for hand release merkins. 2nd…

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