Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Training, maintenance, or fun?


YHC arrived this morning with intel that Kubota and Gumbo were starting early to get some extra credit for the half marathon. Swirly liked the idea so much he joined them-YHC thinks! Flag planted with Upchuck saying good morning……33 super troopers posted, runners and bikers, to make sure Friday started off in the most completely awesome way.

The route……Westbound on Grove. R on Henri. R on St. Christopher’s. R onto Patterson…

4 milers…..Patterson to Libbie and take a R. L on Grove and back to the flag.

5 milers….Patterson to Hamilton and take a R. R on Grove and back to the flag.

6 milers….Patterson to Nansemond and take a R. R on Grove and back to the flag.

RAMM GEARS…they biked somewhere and back in time!!

Number-ama, Name-r-ama, Announcements: CSAUP, Oct 20-see TYA and lots of loops around Forest Hill Park.  Swiper is leading a running group with Healing Place after Dogpile-approx 3 miles tomorrow. Marmaduke is collecting winter clothes-coats, jackets, sweaters, outerwear.

YHC took us out!

NMS–Gumbo, Kubota, Swirly=7.5 miles….nice! Off Shore, thank you for the partnership and pacing me and pushing me. YHC was feeling the effects of Spider Run Tuesday.

Sippy Cup, McFly, and Faceplant-great to finish the last leg and you men had more left in the tank!!

Super Troopers, help that one person today who needs it!! Only those who post understand.

Loud and Proud.



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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great run guys – enjoyed it Gumbo and Kubota – way to work!
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Good job this morning, all! It’s great to keep seeing these numbers at Mary on Thursday’s and Friday’s recently!

  3. Solid morning for a run. Great – as always – tagging along with Pucker. Great work Handshake.

  4. Great morning for a run. Thanks to Kubota and Swirly for dragging me out early for some much needed extra miles. That Hillcrest/Charmian start is no joke, but great to swing by the Carillon and and awesome sight seeing RAMM Gears tail-lights turning the corner off Thompson and onto Grove ahead of us. Great work everyone. Have a great Friday!

  5. Nice work today, fellas. Thanks, Shakedown, for keeping my over carbed body moving. Not my best showing…back on the horse tomorrow.

    Be good.

  6. I appreciate Saab sticking with me and not letting me quit. It was not my best day but that is the reason I keep coming out. Had I left my house this morning for a run I likely would have stopped after 3 miles. This brotherhood keeps us strong.

    Well done fellas. Even if Flatline said the word “Henri” way too many times.