Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Eleven gentlemen travelers arrived for a Monday beat down at Batteau, including four SOJ passport stampers. 0:530 – All aboard! COP: SSHs x 10. Helicopters x 10. DQs x 10. Merkins x 20. LBCs x 10. Flutter Kicks x 10 First Stop: Batteau 11s. Both exercises on each hill side. Uphill Merkins + Downhill WWIIs (you’ll thank us later). Second Stop: Boulder / Baggage Claim. Partner up. Partner 1 holds rock plank while partner 2 runs down the left path/stairwell to the lake. Repeato. Partners walk down right path/stairwell switching overhead carries to the bottom. Partner 1 runs to the…

5 posted at OTB with Oyster finding the group in the hidden location at 5:59. A mix of routes today with YHC and Honeymoon taking a flatter route into Salisbury, Wilson and Aisle 5 slowing things down with some walking and Oyster doing a bit of both and needing to cut out a little early. Close out with some excellent 2nd F at Urban Farmhouse. According to our resident connoisseurs the coffee is not nearly as good as the 2nd F. The first F will stay here with possibilities of taking the 2nd F elsewhere. See one of the SOJ…

Eleven, including a handful of tourists, jumped into the week with vigor and came forth to the latest rendition of Hoedown. Temps were sunny (almost) and 70 (almost). COP: Mosey around the horseshoe (2 laps) to start the legs moving, then circle up in the teacher’s parking lot for: Arm circles (10 little, 10 big, then reverso, but only for 10 big…YHC doesn’t believe in small, reverse arm circles).IWsSSHsHBsLBCs FKicksHRMs Mosey around the horseshoe two-ish more times… …onto the parking lot for… 12’s, like Elevens, but one louder. Run across parking lot, Bernie Sanders up the asphalt hill, then clockwork…

6 studs posted on a nice spring morning in Richmond. Route was northbank to T potters field to buttermilk and home just under 6 miles , j. Saab hit the roads. NMM The parking lot was packed when I arrived at 645. Rare for a Sunday morning. Often in the winter we are the only folks in the parking lot. Ollivander put in an extra half hour pre-workout. The trails were looking for payback today. Faceplant almost took a faceplant today about a mile into the run. He stumble for a few yards then caught himself. YHC was happily making…

Nine from Arlington welcomed a traveling Splinter for a perfect morning beatdown at Yorktown High School. The turf was damp but perfect, eclipsing the quality of fields at NoToll. The Thang Four corners for COP, lots of variations of merkins including superman and swimmer merkins, which I enjoyed and will likely reuse in the future. Multiple variations of catch me if you can. Fun with Bocce balls. Toss a ball with a partner and treat it as an exercise race. You have to do exercises until your partner returns. Fun time was had by all.

We are firing up an introductory F3 workout on Saturday, June 22nd at 7:30 am on the day after the longest day of the year. Some of the most often used excuses for not coming to a F3 workout are the following: “It is too dark…””It is too cold…””It is too early…””I won’t be able to get to work on time if I go…””I want to get in shape first…” These excuses are all off the table for this workout! Why are we hosting this No Excuses Workout? The goal of this workout is to provide an introductory experience of…

10 came west out to Gridiron to avoid the looming rain clouds hovering over downtown. The rain held off but we managed to get wet by: COP: Chase the geese on our field, SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, LBCs, Russian Soldier. Down to field with best drainage: Wheelbarrow length of field, then crab walk back. Head over to main football field to benches: Lindsays of : Box Jumps and Dips. Then on to field for Zs: Run diagonal on field, 5 Burpees, Bear Crawl width of field, 10 HRMs, Run other diagonal, 15 WWIIs, Bear crawl width, 20 Jump Squats. Repeato…

Eight early risers (including one double dipper) and their dads rolled into Puppy Pile with visions of post workout bacon. But first they had to earn it. Shark Bait Q: Mosey to the amphitheater stage for COP: With only ten days of school left for RCPS students, all exercises were done at 10. Helicopters / DQs / LBCs / Flutter Kicks / SSHs. Triple Check: 2.0 does donkey kicks on stage while dads run to the top of the stairs and back. 2.0s run up the number of steps that correspond with their age while dads do donkey kicks. Husky…

5 warriors got out their fartsacks to get in their early miles. Kubota was even early with running to ET’s before hand. 2 miles to Dogpile and 1 1/2 miles back for a total of 7 miles to include Dogpile We enjoyed the cooler weather and the cold rain. Mumble chatter was great talking about leaving the legacy our grandparents and parent left for us SPIT ON THAT!!

Thirty -two warriors graced the grounds of DogPile to get their June started with some fellowship and sweat. With YHC being told by many PAX that they were ready for the ground and pound they believed was coming, YHC could only smile on what was to come. COP – IN Amphitheater – Helicopters x 10 DQs x 10 Stretch – Right leg over left, Left over Right SSHs x 15 Imperial Walkers x 10 Incline Merkins x 10 LBCs x 20 Copper Head Squats x 10 Mosey to Furthers Crop Circle Crop Circle 11s – 1 WWII Sit up -…

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