Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: PuppyPile

10 Davillians/Summer Tourists + 15 2.0’s as well as 2 early runner that left early. Came out for Daville’s summer 2.0 friendly workout According to Phonics’ explanation for the morning (during a future run day), this how it went down Mosey over to the soccer field Spit’s Q COP (ALL IC) – SSH, Helicopters, Hillbillies, WWII Situps, Merkins, Arm Circles Corned Beef’s Q Field Exercises – Using the lines on the field as stopping points we completed varies exercises including different lunges, karaoke, Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear, and the 2.0’s finished with some sprints while the Dad’s cheered them on! Bulkhead’s…

Veteran 2.0’s dragged their Dad’s from cozy fartsacks for a day in the park. Here’s how the animals got covered in fresh cut grass: The THANG: COP #1: Oreo pointed South, and the PAX moseyed to a grassy spot to warm up with a few standard IC reps Each 2.0 assisted by adding in some creative ideas, Somersaults being the most odd COP #2: Disclaimer was provided each Dad would take a lead with the Potato, and Snuff was first to lay hands gently on the tepid earth fruitTriple Check: LBC’s, Planks, and Run COP #3: Snuff called a mosey to…

4 vets brought their 2.0’s for a Puppypile PAX total of 12 hard chargers. Once the Dogpile COT was done, the minions were mustered and scampered gleefully into the misty morn. The THANG: COP #1: Mosey to the grass circleWelcome & F3 DisclaimerVariable DTH Warmerama, including a rolling around in the wet grassHokey Pokey Warm-up (music and speaker provided by the beloved M) COP #2: Mosey to Carillon FieldQuarter PounderAs a group, run to each quarter, complete the reps and Bernie backx5 Burpeesx10 WWIIx15 Squatsx20 Merkins COP #3: Mosey back to the Bamboo Hut (adjacent to grass circle)Musical Burn Out -…

Two HIM’s each brought a couple 2.0’s for the first PuppyPile of 2021. While our numbers were few, our enthusiasm was mighty, and great fitness, fellowship, and faith was enjoyed by all.  The THANG: COP #1: Mosey to the BBall Court and Circle UpWelcome & F3 DisclaimerANIMAL WARMERAMA:Kangaroo Side-Straddle Hops x10 ICFlamingo Lunge until Q callsButterfly Quixotes x10 ICBunny Hop until Q callDancing Bears x10 ICBear Crawl until Q callsCrabcakes x10 ICCrab Walk until Q callsStarfish Crunches x10 ICGorrilla Shuffle until Q calls COP #2: Mosey out to the FieldFOLLOW THE LEADER:Leader chooses whatever moving activity and direction desired, followed…

22 (!!!) PAX including 2.0s braved the soggy fields this morning for a kid friendly work out today. Fun was a had and a little exercise along the way. Here is how it happened: 7am hit and we peeled the 2.0s from the playground, moseyed to the basketball court for: COP/Warmerama Short disclaimer and welcome to F3. Three 2.0 FNGs today. Reminded all the 2.0s they have some pretty awesome dads who try to better themselves! 10 reps of the following were completed: Imperial Walkers, Jazzercise, Seal Claps, Cherry Pickers, Crab Cakes, Boat/Canoe, and Dancing Bear. THANG #1 (Race Time)…

An extraordinary THIRTY gloom warriors posted this morning to our SOJ inaugural PuppyPile at NoToll, with a few brave men outnumbered at least 3-1 by a veritable herd of adventure-energized 2.0’s! An entirely intimidated DTH noted perfect conditions – sunny, 70 degrees, 0700 – and off we went! The THANG: Basketball Court Warmerama COT: F3 Welcome & Disclaimer SSH x10 IC DQ’s x10 IC Copperhead Squats x10 IC Merkins x10 IC LBC’s x10 IC Playground DORA: Partner/Team Up Running partner runs to top of playground ramps, slides down, and returns to teammate(s) Stationary Partner(s) complete: x50 Merkins x100 WWII’s x150…

Twenty Eight Dads and 2.0s posted for a Shark Bait VQ (wind assisted). The last Puppy Pile before school starts, so here’s what we did before the bell rings. COP: WWIIs x 10. LBCs x 10. Scorpion Kicks x 10. Weighted Dad Merkins x 10 (2.0s on their dads back while dads did Merkins). Arm Circles; Big – forwards and backwards x 10. SSHs x 10. Smurf Jacks x 10. Invisible Jump Ropes x 10. SPARC: On the stage. Dads perform 20 Donkey Kick Merkins while kids perform LBCs. Switch for kids to do 10 Donkey Kick Merkins. Next round.…

11 Warriors and 18 of RVA’s finest 2.0’s (including 5 FNG’s) posted for a cooler than expected Puppypile adventure. With everyone’s Garmin watches hitting 7:05am, we headed off into the unknown. According to eye witness reports, it went something like this: COP (all x10): SSH, Arm Circles, Don Quixote’s, Helicopters, LBC’s, Merkins, Copperhead Squats, Flutter kicks. 5 Burpees OYO. Thang 1. On the Carillon field: Bear Crawl to the 25 yd line, Bunny Hop to the 50 yd line, Lunge to the 75 yd line, run to the end, then turn around and Partner Carry all the way back. Props…

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