Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A limber foursome hit the courts of No Toll prior to a long awaiting helping of Gumbo. Quads were worked hard this morning followed by the ever popular Shavasana. Good to have Doublemint join the Brogii regulars Chap and Doozy. Seems broga is becoming a trend.

20 hombres formed a running posse this morning to patrol the mean streets of Westham and south Westham. Conditions remained steady at 70 and sunny. According to the security cameras in the River Road Shopping Center, the following may have occurred: Routes: Bat Cave to River, through the RR Shopping Center to South Ridge with the slight right onto South Westham to River Road. 4’s reverse at River and re-trace their route BTTF. 5’s continue on Westham to Lakewood (the Lakewood on the right), then reverse to South Westham, South Ridge, etc. and BTTF. 6’s continue on Westham to Baldwin…

A solo workout was on tap for this morning at Rock & Roll. Here is what the walkers say they saw The entire beatdown never left the basketball court COP DQ’s, Helicopters, Deadman Hangs, LBC’s, Sugar sticks Mosey to the corner Lady number 1: (4 corner Prostitute) Corner 1 – 10 Merkins, Corner 2 – 20 Plank Jacks, Corner 3 – 30 LBCs, Corner 4 – 40 Squats Bear Crawl, 5 Merkins and a Bernie Suicides at the free throw, half court, Free Throw and opposite baseline Lady number 2: (4 corner Prostitute) Corner 1 – 10 American Hammers, Corner…

Four working stiffs left the office early on Thursday to partake in some corporate team building, some 5K running, and beer drinking. YHC and PAX all signed up for the Anthem Corporate Run held in the rolling hills of Innsbrook office park. YHC’s company team took top honors in their Coed team race brackets for the Engineers and Architects category. BUT if you slice and dice up enough categories, divisions, and sub divisions then every team seems to get a ribbon these days. YHC would like to point out that the CapTech team lead by Splinter beat everyone else with…

We cooked. Ziti, salad, brownies, + BREAD. We arrived to deliver a hot meal only to see Barbara was taking deliveries for the rest of the week. She was excited for our meal however, as it was HOT and ready to go. Sign up gentlemen. Couldn’t be any easier and rewarding + it’s a good deed for some people who desperately need a break. We are looking forward to when serving is an option back on the table. Kudos to Shakedown for following through Sunday even though his day went a little sideways.

Sunday started nicely with a pleasant run around the JRPS with friends until gravity took me down, busted shin, three hours in Patient First getting stitched up… but like running life is nothing but relentless forward progress so I popped a couple ibuprofen and hit the kitchen. Manicotti and Salad with some vanilla ice cream for dessert. As always, Barbara was wonderful and gracious, she does love the men of F3RVA – especially loves her some Splinter (she mentioned him several times though it took me a second to remember who Brian was – lol). If you have not done…

Two Cornhole champions along with twelve more champions at life took on Monday as champions do. Mosey to the front school lawn COP (IC) Don QuixotesDead Man HangImaginary Jump RopeImperial WalkersJazzercisesMerkinsPlankoramaCrabcakes Mosey to bike racks Triple Check 1 Bike Rack Merkins/ Squats/ Run Mosey to parking lot hill P1 – Bernie Hill x 3P2 – Burpees (combine for 75) Monkey Humpers IC for fun Mosey to rails Jerkins 3×10 Mosey to horseshoe Curb Crawl up to 4 and back down Mosey to horseshoe infield Scissor Sisters Ab Routine – 3x10R/10L Mosey to Cafeteria Triple Check 2 BTTW, WWIIs, Run Horseshoe…

17 men met in the morning gloom. We made fun of each other. We encouraged each other. It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. COP: Warmuparama started with arm circles, then cherry pickers, don quixote’s, side straddle hops, mt. climbers, WWIIs and rounded out with some merkins. The Thang: Quarter Pounders – Jog to the 1st quarter of the field, do 25 merkins, then sprint back. Jog to the center for 50 squats, sprint back. Then 75 LBCs at the 3rd quarter mark…100 side straddle hops before sprinting back the length of the field. Valley of Ill Repute for…

The rain could not stop 7 lucky PAX members from a round of kettlebells. Coverage was provided. Here is how it went down: COPSSHDead man hangIWArm circlesHelicoptersMerkinsLBCAPDKB escalator (5, 10, 15, 20 reps with a new exercise added and a run in between sets)50 high pulls50 curls50 swings50 sumo squats50 shoulder presses50 lawnmower pulls – each arm11s with KB hammers and sit ‘n pressesRun the bus loopCOT with YHC taking us out A late BB for the sake of Big Data. Remember the blood drive on October 20th. Talk to Pigskin if you have any questions. God is good all…

9 studly dudes came out on a nice fall morning to experience some exercise and fellowship. Even though a few regulars decided to fartsack, a good time was still had. COP: DQ, DMH, Invisible jump rope, merkins, Freddie Mercury, ACs Mosey to lower field and take on the beast. The wrinkle was that we would go across the field widthwise or go lengthwise depending on how I flipped my coin. We started with merkins, went to Lt. Dans, plank jacks, Carolina dry docks, mountain climbers and then of course burpees. Mosey to front of Short Pump middle. Mega Dora with…

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