Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What Color are They?


20 hombres formed a running posse this morning to patrol the mean streets of Westham and south Westham. Conditions remained steady at 70 and sunny. According to the security cameras in the River Road Shopping Center, the following may have occurred:


Bat Cave to River, through the RR Shopping Center to South Ridge with the slight right onto South Westham to River Road.

4’s reverse at River and re-trace their route BTTF.

5’s continue on Westham to Lakewood (the Lakewood on the right), then reverse to South Westham, South Ridge, etc. and BTTF.

6’s continue on Westham to Baldwin (on the left), then reverse to South Westham, South Ridge, etc. and BTTF.

Numbers, names, YHC took us out.


Pigskin is running a Blood Drive on October 20 in Chesterfield. Full details are on Slack. Please sign up for 1-2 hours of volunteering to help out. It’s easy, and it might save a life, perhaps your’s.

Faceplant kind of invited you, but sort of not really, to have a beer and run with him on October 16, then repeat 3x more to make an even mile and a certain upset stomach. He calls this a “Beer Mile” and says it’s about celebrating friends. Details on TikTok. What can YHC say? The younger generation just does their thing.

Q School coming to your AO soon.

Prayers for Tryhard, his family, and Chisel.

Splinter and Hutton had an interesting discussion about black and dark blue baseball players. Yeah, you read that right. And, that’s all YHC has to say about that.

Hats off to Fire Elf for pushing himself today and to Whitesnake for pushing hard. Nice work, fellas. Keep it up.

And, yes, Bone Thugs was there.

UpChuck spits the bit.


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  1. Technically we were discussing the jersey colors, but I appreciate your attempt to get me in trouble with the sensitivity police.

    Thanks for overthinking the route today. Simple, and effective.