Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The clock struck a minute past 5:30 and YHC and his trusty companion Wilson were coming in hot to Timberwolf. So hot in fact we missed the 2 member PAX in the front lot. YHC and Wilson circled around back of the building where we were reunited with Boberry and Vagabond. It was Wilsons idea to circle the back (I think he wanted to walk a bit, HAHA). Hot Potato. COP was not part of it. A day of DORA’s Boberry 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 plank jacks. Wilson 100 XXX?, 200XXX, 300???? Vagabond 100?, 200?, 300? Nancy: Run through…

LockJaw didn’t show up on this day (August 27th) either to give us a route. Can’t really remember the routes taken by the group but I think it was pretty much a freestyle. Splinter, Faceplant and YHC ran the Bodos inspired Windsor Farm run. And that’s all I have to say about that. Sorry, sort of for waiting so long to post. For you Big Data people I know that it’s annoying.

Every now and then there’s a reference that is simply too good not to mention on the BackBlast. Yes, Chevy Chase is known for much, much more than his role in the very pedestrian movie “Funny Farm”. But he made it during at time when he was one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, coming off blockbusters like the Vacation franchises and Fletch. So those of us who are a certain age all saw “Funny Farm.” From what I can remember, I was very underwhelmed. Needless to say, it’s not one that I’m dying to show my 14yo (unlike Fletch,…

A pair of limber stallions returned to the courts of No Toll for the 2nd week for some Broga. With numbers doubling from the previous week, some early morning stretching was called for prior to the epic beatdown DTH was throwing down. Core work was the key with the abs being tested for the full session. Good to have Chaplain back in the fold as we continue to reignite the Broga fire.

A quartet of SOJ studs descended on Twin Team for a Last Call beatdown with the lunar calendar showing the last Friday of the month. Taking a page from Honeymoon, a Murph was called by the light of the moon. Here is how it went down: Quick 1,600 meter mosey around James River High school to include 1 lap around the track and back up to Betty Weaver fields. Collect Bullseye along the way. Warmarama around the equipment that included arm circles and dead man hang followed by the Murph rountine. 10 pull ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats followed by…

A gaggle of men, some topless and some clothed, hit the dirt slopes on Sunday. Temps continued to be flat at 70 and sunny. According to the really fast dude who went flying past YHC, the following likely happened: Route: South Bank (Buttermilk), optional lariat, T. Pottersfield Bridge, (meet Fire Elf), return to base via North Bank. NMS: YHC left at the end of the run. No idea what happened. Hopefully, Sippy Cup made it home on time. Announcements: F3RVA Retreat is Saturday. Bring your meat, your ball glove, your social skills, and your desire to defeat the Stache Brothers.…

Six warriors, pure and true, embraced the rain for something new. With every breath precious, and precious time finite, these warriors of the gloom dug deep and won the fight: The THANG: WARMERAMA: Parking Lot LoopCircle up for Variable IC RepsParking Lot Loop with movement exercisesComplete one set of BLIMPS: x5 Burpees, x10 Lunges (ea leg), x15 Imperial Walkers (2-ct), x20 Merkins, x25 Pole-Smokers, x30 SquatsNote: YHC chose to replace the usual x25 Plank Jacks with x25 Pole-Smokers, which in the absence of poles was simply leg lifts (hands under tail) BLIMPS FIELD TRIP: Run a loop through YHC’s “Oxford” neighborhood,…

Four undeterred embraced a moist Mary. Quick COP including Scorpion Kicks (get wet right away!), Helicopters, Hillbillies, and Don Quixote. Long mosey down Westmoreland and east on Patterson to the church. Line up on the grass for cumulative Beast. Reverse Crunches Reverse Crunches, Monkey Humpers Reverse Crunches, Monkey Humpers, Carolina Drydock Reverse Crunches, Monkey Humpers, Carolina Drydock, 4 count American Hammers Reverse Crunches, Monkey Humpers, Carolina Drydock, 4 count American Hammers, Mountain Climbers Reverse Crunches, Monkey Humpers, Carolina Drydock, 4 count American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, HRM Return to the AO performing Lindsay along the way at each block: Box Cutters…

Two showed up for Tomato run and we decided to do the Giles loop. Normally this is going Reverse BoJangles and return BoJangle’s this time we just Returned Bojangles for a 3.5 mile run. Great conversation and Opus took us out.

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