Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

With BRR live, five men took to the mean streets surrounding Godwin HS in their honor.  According to the interweb, the route should have been a public hair shy of 5 miles, though Gypsy’s watch said otherwise.  Nonetheless appropriate mileage was accomplished.  Here’s where they went: The Route R on PumpL on RidgefieldR on CopperasR on Little League DriveFollow main road up and around TSI Training CenterExit TLL complex passing Field 10 over to Field 4 and through the pathwayL on John RolfeR on PumpFinish with a loop of Godwin Numberama, Nameorama, COT MOLESKIN YHC figured numbers would be low…

3 Iron PAX and 1 Runner descended upon BWES. Here’s what the lunch lady observed : Doozy ran around parts unknown and eventually met up with us at BWES parking lot. Here’s what the Iron PAX did : Care Bear Squared : Done using a square area. Bear crawl forward 25 yards to first corner then do 25 Squats. Bear crawl left 25 yards to second corner then do 25 Merkins. Crawl bear backwards to third corner then do 25 Big Boi Sit Ups. Bear crawl right 25 yards to fourth corner then do 25 Burpees, which completes 1 Full…

5 Stallions ready to take on Satan’s Hill. One needed some extra time getting ready this morning and missed his Q. So the Hot Potato was passed. Oyster starts: In honor of BRR we ran up Satan’s Hill then we ran down Satan’s Hill. repeato Boberry took us out. See Slack for events and other news… Oyster

Hitting the primary roads of the Fan, a merry group of 9 hit Grove, Hanover, and Floyd for miles today. 4s and 6s dominated the day with the majority of the usuals at the BRR. Good Luck Guys! Bone Thugs took us out.

The PAX continues to persevere without our elder stateman, Pigskin. YHC took another Q in hopes of one day achieving his greatness. Here is how it went down: COPSSHIWDQHelicoptersArm circlesStretchesMerkinsLBCAPDLucky bus loop – 4 stops, 15 reps per exercise, add an additional exercise with each stopLawnmower pulls – 120 repsSit ‘n press – 105 repsOverhead pulls – 90 repsSumo squats – 75 repsCurls – 60 repsSwings – 45 repsHalos – 30 reps2x hammers – 15 repsCOT with YHC taking us out Great job by the PAX today.  Enjoyed the opportunity to throw around some KBs and fellowship.  Here is to…

9 Beasts hit Timberwolf this morning for an NFL Opening Day beatdown, In honor of 4 lost Super Bowls! COP – SSHs, Helicopters, Arm Circles, Stretches, LBCs, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats Mosey to Track 4 Rounds of 4 Corners for 4 lost Superbowls Round 1 – 12 WWIIS @ each corner for Jim Kelley Round 2 – 34 Dry Docks @ each corner for Therman Thomas Round 3 – 54 Squats @ each corner for years Ralph Wilson owned the Bills Round 4 – 82 LBCs@ each corner for Don BeeBe Mosey to Light poles Alley, Variations down the Alley!…

Lovely cool gloom welcomed a sixpack of faithful HIM’s, including our prodigal darling Fiona, who we joyfully welcomed back into the F3 fold today after a 2 year hiatus. With YHC’s shoulder still on IR, a no-merkin beatdown was the name of the game, and it went a little something like this: The THANG: WARMERAMA: Moseyrama over to the school front and circle upWelcome & DisclaimerVariable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom COP #1: Mosey around to the amphitheater ABBITHEATER ASCENTS:Variable IC reps on each step with a short mosey in betweenExercises: Big O’s, Dips, Flutters, Freddie…

A mighty three kept the Mary torch lit as they ventured off into the surrounding neighborhoods. COP in the front of the school. The usual and stuff. Off to Commonwealth and head north performing the exercises of a red barchetta on the corners. 10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 mountain climbers, 75 LBC, 100 flutter kicks. Take a right on Leonard Pkwy and perform some incremental 4 corners. 10 dive bombers 10 dive bombers, 20 american hammers 10 dive bombers, 20 american hammers, 30 jump squats 10 dive bombers, 20 american hammers, 30 jump squats, 40 box cutters Continue south on…

19 strong posted in the most populated SOT in a fortnight. The damp conditions were no match for these gloom warriors as they slayed the morning. COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Tic/Toc’s, Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Flutters, Dollies.   The thang: Century Club on the track divided. 1st lap 100 Merkins run a full lap, 2nd 50 LBCs at start and halfway, 3rd lap 25 squats at each 1/4, 4th lap 12.5 Flutters at each 1/8th, 5th lap 10 monkey humpers at each 1/10th. Mosey to hill and partner up.…

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