Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

It turns out that it is “talk like a pirate day”. Only at the end of the workout was this called with some exciting new pirate inspired yoga moves. But let’s start at the beginning. COP in front of the school. First triple check: BTTW, Monkey Humpers, and run to the road and back. Chum Bucket stops to talk to a colleague at the school for the public hearing. Over to the side of the school for second triple check: Plerkins and bear crawl to the tree and back. Some Lindsays: Donkey kicks, 5 pace lunge and Box Cutters. Lunge…

Three posted for the most recent Punisher. Two of us were there for most of the warmup. Our third made it through traffic for the end of circle time. Triple check. Tabata. Lindsay. Two-legged Air Spelling. Circle of Trust.

For those who have been to Hoedown, it is a dark place. So, unlike the rest of the group, I wear a headlamp. Before we got started, I walked over to Faceplant who was tying his shoes. ‘Don’t move, I can finally see what I’m doing.’ It’s taken 69 years, but I have found my purpose in life. Warmup: Short jog ending up in the front corner lot. Disclaimer 20 SSHs 20 IWs 10 Don Quixote: (FYI, back in Charlotte, we call these Sharon Towers, after the name of a retirement home.) Mosey to the asphalt playground for: 7…

3 Zombies arose groggy and shuffled to Rockwood Park’s inaugural Monday Morning OTB boot camp. No one but us witnessed the following : On basketball court, two different knee stretches for 8 minutes. Mosey to tennis courts Triple Check : Partner 1 runs to opposite end and back, Partner 2 does Merkins, Partner 3 does Big Boi Sit Ups Lindsay : Run to opposite end and do 10 Jump Squats, run back and do 30 LBC’s. Add 5 reps each round to the Jump Squats and decrease 5 reps each round for the LBC’s until you complete 40 Jump Squats…

A lucky 7 posted to SH this gloom to start the week right. My Browns had somehow managed to lose a game after leading by 13 with 1:30 on the clock. This was the theme of today’s beatdown. COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Plank jacks, Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Flutters, Dollies.   The thang: First 5 mailboxes complete 20 Merkins. Next 4 complete 13 WWII’s, Next 3 31 Imperial Walkers, Next 2 61 SSH, Last 1 2 Burpees. Next complete all exercises at every fourth mailbox. Down the trail to…

10 rested souls ready to take on the day.. What’s the Jump Rope for? Warmorama: Mosey to the Toll Booth, SSH, DQ, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBC, Rosalitas The Thang: 1 Mile short cut to the Rusty Cage for a Triple Check.1. Knee Ups, 2. Squats, 3. Run to the Fire Hydrant + 1 Burpee. 3 Rounds add an extra Burpee each round. Mosey to the Penny Stage and grab a Coupon.1 Person goes on stage and Jump Ropes to 30. Snag the jump rope and you start over. The Jump Rope is the clock. When you get…

9 Rockstars including an FNG (Kegger) partied hardcore backstage at Rock N Roll. The groupies of Rockwood Park observed this debauchery : Mosey to basketball court Definition of F3, 5 Core Principles and Disclaimers Warmarama : 10 SSH IC, 10 Ukrainian Soldiers IC, 10 Don Q’s IC, 10 Cherry Pickers IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Merkins IC, 10 SSH IC Mosey to tennis courts then turn around once you realize tennis players are already playing on the court Mosey back to basketball parking lot then do 50 dips on wood railing Mosey to playground : Indigenous curb crawl to…

Two regulars ran the paved loop trail before Rock N Roll. Chaplain is still dealing with some back issues so he’s been having to modify and take more days off. Mumble chatter included IPC, injuries, and football. Always good to run with my brother Chap!

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