Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Neighborhood Watch


A mighty three kept the Mary torch lit as they ventured off into the surrounding neighborhoods.

COP in the front of the school. The usual and stuff.

Off to Commonwealth and head north performing the exercises of a red barchetta on the corners. 10 burpees, 25 merkins, 50 mountain climbers, 75 LBC, 100 flutter kicks.

Take a right on Leonard Pkwy and perform some incremental 4 corners.

10 dive bombers

10 dive bombers, 20 american hammers

10 dive bombers, 20 american hammers, 30 jump squats

10 dive bombers, 20 american hammers, 30 jump squats, 40 box cutters

Continue south on wisteria beginning a round of lindsays making a left on Stuart and a right on Westmoreland. The exercises were carolina dry docks and APDs.

For the final block, lunge walk to the ally and bear crawl the other half.

YHC took us out.


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