Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

6 (less than 7 and one more than 5) Davilians gathered in the gloom to kick start a rainy Friday. We ran around the church one time and then…. COP–merkins, SSH, LBC’s, arm circles, DQ, Imperial walkers and helicopters. Mosey over by carillon, time for 4 corners, a.k.a. 4 Rings. In 1970, Terry Bradshaw was the first pick of the NFL draft, and led the Steelers to 4 Super Bowl titles. He was paid $25K a year under his rookie contract. To honor this YHC and the PAX ran to each of the parking lot’s 4 corners, stopping at each…

10 strong for the Murph today…. Mossy to the main playground = 1mile 10 rounds of the below with each round consisting of the following exercises. • 10 pullups • 20 Merkins • 30 squats After we completed the 10 rounds we headed back to the parking lot = 1 mile COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama Good work today and great to see new attendees to the Murph – total of 4 virgin murphers!

20 of the finest draft picks arrived on a sunny and 70 morning to prep for tonight’s NFL Draft. This is how it went down: DRAFT PICK COP(each exercises was completed for the first 10 team picking and at random spots on the soccer field) The Cardinal Select – 10 Burpees OYOThe 49ers Select – 15 SSH ICThe Jets Select – 10 DQ ICThe Raiders Select – 15 Heels to Heaven ICThe Buccaneers Select – 15 Crunchy Frogs ICThe Giants Select – 12 Merkins ICThe Jaguars Select – 25 LBC’s ICThe Lions Select – 15 Hands Over Head Flutter Kicks…

Twas a bright and beautiful morning for a Ghost Flag reunion at The FORGE, and two FNG’s joined the throng of fartsack escapees to see what DTH had in store. Here’s how it went down: The THANG: Mosey to COP #1: FNG Welcome & DisclaimerSSH’sDQ’sImperial Squat WalkersDive-bomber MerkinsBreakdancer Merkins (confusing for everyone, even the Q…)Crab CakesFlutterkicksHeels to Heaven Mosey to COP #2: Run to the CulDeSac, stopping at each light post to perform x3 merkins (around 15 posts total)Circle up on your six for Guantanamo – Legs Up at 45 degrees, Each man runs circle, forcefully throwing legs down (goal for PAX…

7 men and 1 2.0 showed up for a 70 and Sunny workout. Here’s what happened. COP SSH, arm circles, merkins, flutter kicks. Mosey to bus loop for The Suck, Mudface style. Line up, one PAX to each parking space, one exercise for that space. The timer for Round 1 was a PAX completing 10 sandbag burpees with Deadweight (do the burpee, throw Deadweight over your head, repeat). Other exercises were: halos, Helix squats, situp press, battle rope (non-KB), jumprope (non-KB), lawnmowers, merkins on the KB. Round 2, no rest, timer does 5 sandbag burpees, PAX repeat other exercises. Through…

8 Faithful warriors met at the battle ground of SOT this morning to see what craziness YHC might have in store for them and it went mostly down hill from there. Mosey to the bottom of the hill. COP: (10) SSH (10) Don Quotes (10) Helicopters (10) Was supposed to be what YHC would call Preacher Seat SSH’s, crab walk position push with arms and clap hands over your stomach before you return to crab walk position. Note to self: TEST new exercises before reveling them to the PAX day of your Q Triple Check: Squats Wall Sits (Low) Run…

Ten PAX started their hump day right at Wdog and were met with perfect conditions. With several hundred newbies arriving for the Pay for your Workout version we moved around the AO to get it all in: COP: SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks. Down to Amphitheater and into the newly replaced lights. Make your way up steps: Alternate each step up of 5 HRMs and 5 V-Ups. Mosey over for: Burpee Road: Split PAX even and head up Blvd for 2 burpees each light, switch and head back to field. Partner up: 3 Sets of 30 Boxing Cockroaches.…

Hot potato morning — 9 showed up for some home fries with some catchup. 🙂 Labrat kicks it off with Parking Lot Tracers Handoff to Bulkhead for the COPSSH, DQ, LBC’s, IW, Hand Release Merkins Spike steals the Q — run to the back hill for some 11’s1 Burpee, Bernie Sanders up the hill, 10 WW2’syou know the drill for the rest.Yardsale — a little fartlek. Run to lights on the right. First person there starts doing an exercise, everyone else does it when they arrive. Exercises included JumpSquats, Burpees, 6 inches, people’s chair Helix — Run to a numbered…

With expectations running high for some big mileage and heavy ground-n-pound today, 17 gloom warriors emerged from their cars to a beautiful No Toll morning beat down that went something like this (according to legend): COP. Mosey to the Tennis Courts for: Imperial Squat Walkers (IC x 10), Russian Soldiers (IC x 10), Cherry Pickers (IC x 10), 10 Burpees OYO. Thang 1. Mosey to the outhouse for a Triple Check of Donkey Kicks, Squats, and Running. Al Gore when done. Thang 2: Mosey to the plush turf of No Toll and complete the following: 10 Box jumps + 10…

10 healthy gentlemen appeared for a very rusty rendition of a Ronnie Q. Here’s what went down: Mosey to the front of the school for COP. Side straddle hops Don Quixote Russian soldiers Arm circles – reverso Merkins Next, mosey to the track for a quick run with some merkins and burpees mixed in. Stop at the jerkin gym and partner up for three sets of 10 jerkins. Move to the bleachers for a round of dips. Quick cool down at the wall with wall sits and balls to the wall, then back to the bleachers for more dips. Mosey…

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