Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

A Naugty Nine hoped to earn their way onto the Nice list with some Christmas Eve work at HBR. The PAX were rewarded with an early Xmas gift from the kindhearted Q with: COP- Invisible Jumprope, Hairy Rocketts, Don Qs, Merkins, Arm Circles, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks. Head to football field for proper warm-up: Sprint across field, jog back. Bear Crawl across then jog back. Backwards run across. Mosey to Benches: YHC called for 3 sets of Box Jumps & Derkins, but apparently some PAX are keen on that “smile without missing teeth” look and with Benches covered in ICE an…

A dirty dozen descended upon the U of R basin to take in a holiday light tour by way of the Mt Henrico. Distances ranged from 4, 5, and 6 miles…7 miles if you are equipped with Faceplant’s knowledge of RVA residential road signage. A hearty welcome to our FNG Mad Dog. Merry Christmas everyone. Saab abides…when able.

Twas the morning before Christmas with Draper in his sweatshirt and me in my shorts emerged from our cars for a 2 person beatdown. When what to our wondering eyes should appear but an SUV Clown car with 5 large men. No Q, hot potato. YHC started with COP and 11s. Draper took over with a twist on Dora and then the Quarter Pounder. Nancy pushed us back to the flag with some native American run merkins and WW2s. Wilson took us out with a extra prayer for Aisle 5, as he goes in for surgery Thursday. Merry Christmas guys.…

3 studs posted this morning for Batteau and here is how it went down. Warm up : SSH’s, Helicopters, windmills, IW’s merkins, flutter kicks, LBC’s Rock work (Swirly) ” 20 curls carry rock down the steps – 20 dips – 6 rounds different – exercises – include over head presses – incline merkins – WWII’s – decline merkins – burpee press – dips Curb crawl (Posh) – 1-10 – bear crawl – incline merkins Box jump – long mossy – Pull ups (Sippy Cup) 1-5 Wasn’t sure how we left it regarding writing the BB fella’s so went ahead. Short…

14 Strong attended and conquered today’s edition of Hoedown! After everyone found the correct entrance to the parking lot(some hit the bus loop at first and then corrected themselves), it was time to take off. Mosey to the front of the school and circle up for: COP: SSH’s x 20 DQ’s x 15 Russian Soldiers x 15 Copperhead Squats x 10 LBC’s x 25 Scorpion Kicks x 15 Tempo Merkins x 15 Mosey to the field behind school and line up on wall for: 10 Donkey Kicks, Bear Crawl halfway across, 5 Burpees, Run to Pull Up Bars and complete…

Three studs and a studlier 3.0 took to the trails. Standard loop starting south over the bridge down the Buttermilk to Belle Isle. Quick trip round the outside, over the bridge and back on Northbank. Sevenish miles were completed. Busy, but beautiful morning on the trails.

On a cold winter solistice morning, I decided to take a page out of other playbooks with a deck of cards and some challenging exercises for the seven sensational athletes that call themselves PAX. COP: Run lap around parking lot, 25 SSHs, run lap, 25 invisible jump ropes, run lap, 10 DQs, run lap and 15 arm circles. Mosey to other corner of parking lot. First Exercise: Pick card from deck. Spades are burpees, Diamonds are merkins, Hearts are 2 count flutter kicks and Clubs are heels to heaven. The first couple picks were high spades which made the PAX…

64 legs carried 32 of the faithful and four more made the PAX 66 feet strong to celebrate UpChuck Family Birthday Week. Temperatures held steady at 70. Skies were bright and sunny. According to the runner who tried to lure DTH’s dog into the metaphorical van, the PAX did the following: Mosey to the Near Circle, but (wait for it) Turn LEFT to round the circle clockwise, loop back around the island of trees, and then circle up for: Circle of Pain: 47 SSHs, By Request, Lawrence Welk-style (Happy birthday to UpChuck)14 IWs (Happy birthday to UpChuck’s daughter, F3 Vers)DQs…

Just because Hardywood and Swirly where leading we took the long route to start with 2.5 miles. Finished with the normal 1.6. Great run and awesome morning for it! Spit On That!!

Opus, Trout, Yard Sale, Beulah, Rounders, Wild Thing, Mudface COP SSHArm CirclesTempo MerkinsHelicoptersCherry pickers Ring Around the Rosie Pax circles up on their six and passes the kettlebell to the man on their right and then to the left Five time each direction Dora Partner up. One partner runs the loop while the other performs Kettle Bell dirty Dog Flip Flop until 100 Dirty Dogs are done Conga Line Line up. PAX in front passes bell to next man in line, then runs to back of line. Various exercises for one lap of the loop Some lunges, lawnmowers, halos and…

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