Opus, Trout, Yard Sale, Beulah, Rounders, Wild Thing, Mudface
- Arm Circles
- Tempo Merkins
- Helicopters
- Cherry pickers
Ring Around the Rosie
Pax circles up on their six and passes the kettlebell to the man on their right and then to the left
Five time each direction
Partner up. One partner runs the loop while the other performs Kettle Bell dirty Dog
Flip Flop until 100 Dirty Dogs are done
Conga Line
Line up. PAX in front passes bell to next man in line, then runs to back of line. Various exercises for one lap of the loop
Some lunges, lawnmowers, halos and slingshots to finish out the time
Wild Thing took us out
YHC rolled up to the AO to find out that no one had taken the Q. Well, there are a couple of things that he wanted to try out, so he took the Q. Thanks to the PAX for putting up with YHC experimenting on them. Strong work was put in by all.
Thanks for letting me lead