Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

7 tough guys expecting rain missed out on the 3:00 am downpour and here is what transpired COP under the covered bus loop- lots of stretching, Lighthouse has noticed YHC likes to stretch Mosey to PES Bus Loop for a Triple Check – P1 Pole Smokers, P2 Flutter Kicks, P3 run the to the bottom of the Bus Loop and Bear Crawl back x 3 rounds Dips x 20 followed by Donkey Kicks x 20 x 3 rounds Decline HRM’s x 20 followed by 20 Squats x 2 rounds, 1 round of 30 Ben 30 Bench Kicks x 1 round…

A week ago coming down Westham Station road, before we plowed up Panorama Drive, Faceplant said to no one in paticular “it’d be nice to see the sunrise on one of these runs” as he stared off over the Huguenot Bridge. He was right. It would be nice to see the sunrise as it seemed we were right in the sweetspot of a 6:15am peak above the horizon by the sun. Thus, YHC, sent 15 men over the Huguenot Bridge this morning in search of that picturesque scene that all of us could enjoy, despite the oppressive humidity. As it…

Coming off a Q-Less RAMM on the 29th of July, 45 MOM wouldn’t be outdone as it was Q-Less as well. (Speaking of “XXX-less” I highly recommend “Smartless” if you are into podcasting and you like to laugh.) I’m pretty sure Hutton took the first 20, Chippendale the next 20 and YHC took us home. I do remember making everyone do two (2) Richard Kimballs…which truly are the worst. Tough couple of days for Proud Mary…being left at the altar by the google doc. Fortunately she had better days ahead.

What do you do when 17 men show up on a July Friday to trundle around the City of Richmond and no one is there to lead them? From what I remember (it was over a month ago) I’m pretty sure everyone went their own way on this Q-Less Friday. The 6s did the Bodo’s Run…which takes you through Windsor Farms then down Pocahontas to Hillcrest. Couple of loops around Hillcrest then back up Charmain. Charmain turns to West Moreland and then you hairpin on Locke. Locke to Dover and then back to the flag. It’s the Bodo’s Run because…

33 Dudes missed the national holiday memo to rest on this day. Instead they worked at this sweat shop : Mosey to grass circle in front of tower Warmarama : 20 SSH IC, 10 Marching Soldiers IC, 10 Don Q’s IC, 10 Cherry Pickers IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Merkins IC Mosey to grass field by the Tower Quarter Pounder – Sprint 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Bernie Sanders back to start. Sprint 50 yards and do 50 squats, Bernie back to start. Sprint 75 yards and do 75 DOUBLE COUNT Mountain Climbers, Bernie back to start. Sprint…

A lighter holiday crowd, but still a great day at the Gridiron. Here is how it went down: COPParking lot tracersSSHIWDQHelicoptersArm circlesDead man hangMerkinsLBCMosey to the turf field for a cumulative beast216 HRM180 WWII sit-ups144 2x crab cakes108 helix squats72 flutter kicks36 burpeesMosey to the pavilions for Lindsay with reverse crunches and dipsCOT with YHC taking us out Great work by the PAX! Good to have Pinto back! Quick healing for the sick and injured. You were missed. YHC has not been keeping up with backblasts for missed workouts so this one was a bit of a repeat from last…

Twelve runners, walkers, and ruckers for the most on the books, off the books, workout in RVA. Distances between 3 and 17 miles were covered. Leather chairs were soiled and beers were funneled.

What should have been a unique exploration of RVA’s most bucolic and sprawling AO’s lovely lakes turned out to be a brutal death march. Nevertheless, 9 brave souls answered the call, soldiered on to the end and got this beat down done. COP: arm circles, cherry pickers, DQs, SSHs, Mt climbers, WWIIs & Merkins. The Thang: At Shields Lake, we partnered up and Wheelbarrowed for 20 steps, then lunged together (20 single count), then switched positions for another 20 steps of Wheelbarrows, followed up by a 20 count run, before we Rinsed and Repeated.  Audible: Only 10 lunges and 40 count run.  This…

11 strong, including 2 FNGs, came out of a beautiful September morning. True to the motto it was 70 and sunny at the start. We did: COP: SSH, Don Qs, Imperial Walkers, Freddy Mercurys, Merkins. Mosey to park across road for some catch me if you can: Lunges, Bear Crawl, Wheelbarrow. Over to the football field for Dora 123: 100 Derkins, 200 Jump Squats, 300 Benchkicks. Head back across street to school. 4 rounds of: 20 Donkey Kicks while partner does boxing roaches. Head over to shaded side of school for: 3 rounds of 20 Dips and 10 WWIIs. Finish…

10 men, forged in the gloom fires. YHC was yet again informed that the Q was his. Mosey to the circle for warmups: SSHs, DQs, dead man hangs, Imperial Walkers, mirkins, LBCs, etc. Flagpole dora: 100 pole smokers, 200 mirkins, 300 jump squats with timer running the short loop. Bear crawl to the top of the stairs. Breath-slowing exercises. Indigenous rail crawl the entire length of the ramp. Starting from the bottom, 11s with burpees and WW2s. Halfway through, audible to hand-release mirkins. At the road, mosey up to the top of Mt Chaplain for a new exercise called ‘sunrise…

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