Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

One Day in July When No One Showed to Lead


What do you do when 17 men show up on a July Friday to trundle around the City of Richmond and no one is there to lead them? From what I remember (it was over a month ago) I’m pretty sure everyone went their own way on this Q-Less Friday.

The 6s did the Bodo’s Run…which takes you through Windsor Farms then down Pocahontas to Hillcrest. Couple of loops around Hillcrest then back up Charmain. Charmain turns to West Moreland and then you hairpin on Locke. Locke to Dover and then back to the flag. It’s the Bodo’s Run because there’s always some consternation from our friend named after the bagel shop when we run it as a group.

Not sure what anyone else did.


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