Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hump Day Beast


6 SOT regulars (great to have a solid base of regulars at the new SOT AO) posted on this Hump Day morning.  Nobody signed up to Q but YHC secured the AO, so I kicked off the festivities and went to the bullpen to bring in Wild Thing (aka Rosco) to close it down.  This is how it went, more or less:

Mosey down the hill to the football field (still of broken dreams to borrow McRib’s moniker for Old SOT’s football field) and circle up for COP, including:

  • DQs
  • Helicopters
  • Arm Circles
  • SSHs
  • LBCs
  • Flutter Kicks


The Beast – six stops, six reps of the called exercise at each stop, 6 rounds — Exercises included Merkins, Jump Squats, Mountain Climbers, Ball Dippers, Freddy Mercuries and Box Cutters.  Plank or Al Gore for the six between rounds.

Plank-o-rama and then YHC called in the big guns…Rosco, your Q my man…

Dip/LBC/Stairs Circuit — 20 Dips in cadence, 20 LBCs in cadence and run up the steps on the left (touching each step), side shuffle across the top, and run down the steps on the right.  3 rounds.  For the 3rd round, instead of side shuffling, we ran the steps of the bleachers up and down…serious tiltage on those steps – a little wobbly.

Rosco’s Hand to Hand Combat School — Between round 2 and 3 of the aforementioned Circuit, Rosco treated the PAX to a lesson at his Hand to Hand Combat school, including the partner football sled drills and several rounds of Indian Arm Wrestling.

Mosey back up the hill to the Flag for COT, COR and NOR – Rosco took us out!


  • July 4 Convergence at Tredegar – be there if you are in town.
  • Wish our boys Rosie and Shakedown (and maybe TYA?) good luck as they are tackling a 50K (32 mile) race this Saturday.  You guys will kill it!


A great morning for the workout.  Days are already getting shorter and the PAX noticed it was a little darker this morning.  No Q, No Problem.  Gumbo and Rosco to the rescue.

Great to see Bag Phone and Digger becoming regulars and Tobit and Olivander are definitely SOT regulars — great stuff!

Speaking of Tobit and Olivander – the standoff between the two of them in the sled-pushing drill was classic.  3 minutes of pushing back and forth and I don’t think they moved more than a foot either way from where they started.  “We’ll call it a Draw”.

Apparently Digger’s super strength is Indian Arm Wrestling.  He easily mowed down the PAX one by one without breaking a sweat.  Well done.

Great effort and great fun this morning guys!

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Looks like a tough workout! Great job guys. Wow, days are already getting shorter! Crazy!

  2. Nice job guys. Love the variety, and the man on man stuff, Rosco.
    Looking forward to rejoining the SOJ PAX, and becoming a regular at this new AO. As of today, checked off the last of the Wednesday AO’s on the tour. (Oy, Kettlebells are hard.)

  3. Great Q, Gumbo and Rosco! Nice variety.

    Awesome to see Bag Phone and Digger becoming SOT regulars.

    Glad someone called “draw” on that sled-pushing drill…I’m pretty sure neither of us wanted to give it up.

  4. What a pleasure this morning was! I knew things were looking up when Gumbo said no burpees after the 196 the prior day….SWEET! Great to meet Digger and Bag Phone, keep it up fellas. I love nothing more than competition and Digger is one big strong guy. You know the look on Gumbo’s face when here is chasing you down in the “Catch me if you can” is a little disturbing, sort of like a freight train that is deceptively quick. Best wishes to Rosie and Shakedown on the 50K!