Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

COP 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 HC, Arm Circles 10 small 5 Big, Reverso, 10 Harry Rockettes, 5 4-ct Merkins, 10 Freddie Mercuries The THANG Mosey to Field that has been prepped for Killer B Challenge We did 5 rounds for Time after a walk thru demonstration of the following : B-Broad Jump 10 yards, 10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs(Count each leg) 10 Big Boi Sit ups. B-Broad Jump 10 yards, 10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs(Count each leg) 10 Big Boi Sit ups. B-Broad Jump 10 yards, 10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs(Count each leg) 10 Big Boi Sit ups. Then…

That was definitely the theme of the day. Ten pax was more than I thought would show up on a BRR day that was supposed to be a total rainy mess (it wasnt). Also, Wedding Singer called the route for the 4 milers and it was “more than I thought”. Route called was Reverse Carillon. Sippy was the only sixer, but opted to slum it with the 5 milers. 4 milers did a choose your own adventure, with Hitch having more adventure than he bargained for with some GI issues. Pullout and No Tools honked the horns as they rode…

7 lucky guys showed up to find out about lindsay and spend some time on the playground. COP — DQ, helicopters, Russian Soldiers, copperhead squats, speed skaters, diamond merkins, gas pumps (for mudface bc he needed to let it go) Lindsay — 10 mountain donkeys, run up hill 30 ww2 situps15,25 etc. etc. etc. Triple check — reverse crunches on swings, burpees, run to the playground dome, climb up and raise a fist to the air, come back down and run back to swingset10 swing merkins5 push out swing planks4 corners of track — 10 merkins, 20 SSH, 30 AM…

The Forge (and the Q) brought a smaller group out this morning, but who showed were six men that absolutely crushed it! COP: Helicopters, DQ’s, Russian Soldiers, Cooper Head Squats, Merkins, American Hammers, Hillbillies. Thang: stay in circle for a Deconstructive Burpee routine. 10 squats, down to plank for 10 leg kicks, 10 Merkins, 10 more leg kicks, back up to a jump clap and that completes 1. Repeat for a 9 count and on down to 1. Mosey to front of school entrance for a partner routine. One partner is doing 10 Merkins, while other is doing 10 squats.…

2 SOJers, a NewMarket Clown Car and an Summer Early Fall Tourist descended upon an AO that YHC had never attended. Having missed the Convergence earlier this week, YHC wanted to see what all of the ruckus was about at Timberwolf. With a departure time of 4:55 from Tuckahoe Regional, YHC headed due south to deep SOJ. With a stunning six mumble chattering away, the FitBit struck 5:30 and we were off. COP Brief mosey to the cul-de-sac for COP DQs, Copperhead Squats, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles (both directions), DQs AGAIN The Thang Exercise I – Tennis Squares Mosey to…

17 gathered in the gloom at 45MOM this morning. In honor of all our kids returning to school, YHC decided to organize our routines around modifications of classic playground recess games. Here’s how it went down: COP: SSHx25 // DQx20 // Helicoptersx10 // LBCsx15 // American Hammersx15 // Crabcakesx15 1st Playground Game: HOT LAVA: Triple Check. Partner 1: Hot Lava (Abyss) Merkins // Partner 2: WW2s on the tables // Parter 3: 2-count High Kneesx50 2nd Playground Game: FOUR SQUARE: Teams of 4 in each 4-square court, 1 guy in each square. 10 merkins, then shuffle counter clockwise to the…

4 men and 1 2.0 sauntered out to grip and rip some iron, but slowly…. Mosey to front of school for COP: SSH, merkins, arm circles, DQ, helicopters and more arm circles (reverso), head back to pick up the KB and get to work. AMRAP for 10 minutes: Five reps each of the following exercises, done until time runs out: 1 leg snatch, 2 count; sit-ups to toe tap (with KB); deep squat and bring KB up to chin. 5 reps of each is one set. Count out your sets, subtract from 15, do that many Turkish get-ups, in this…

One year ago today YHC showed up at No Toll to post for the first time. It was a beat down by Gumbo called Ole Glory and it was magnificent. 10 strong showed up at S.O.T. for YHCs 1 year anniversary and this is how it went down. Start right where we where, sitting two year old’s? Afraid not but on your 6 for some leg stretch’s. First legs spread lean forward, right side then left. On to the usual suspects DQ’s, Helicopters and Cherry Pickers. Mosey to the bus loop for some curb work, Bear Crawl to the opposite…

9 studs posted for a Tuesday Spider ran. Nobody had the Q, so TYA called Mount Henrico. Most runners headed that way, Swirly, Saab and TYA took a slow jaunt around UR to taper for BRR (Lockjaw would have been proud). Marv came back with his dog, Brave, in tow. Brave is a good runner, she was putting in some 630 pace miles. Master Marv was having a hard time keeping up. Brave never got named, so I am looking for a creative name for the pooch. Suggestions? TYA OUT

13 strong posted for a WDOG beatdown this morning and here is how it went down. COP : plank – scorpian kicks flutter kicks – LBC’s SSH’s 50 birthday merkins Rusty Cage : Pull up ladder – overhand 7 back down to 1 – underhand 1- 7 Jerkins – 3 sets of 7 – partner dips – 3 sets of 7 Steps : Down – 18-1 Dips – 3sets of 20 Wilsons boxing cockroach at the bottom – back to the top 1-18 incline merkins Circle up : 6 inches – mossy to the flag! Great job guys – thanks…

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