Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

14 (not a prime number) men took the red pill this morning and posted on ultimate prime day 5-31-2017 (all prime numbers), including one F3RVA RAMM Gears regular who was breaking the seal on the bootcamp for the first time, it may have been sunny and 70 in our minds but it was definitely thick and humid on the ground, and this is how it went down… Mosey to the circle in front of the Amphitheater for COP, including: Don Quixotes (super slow) x5 IC SSH x31 IC Copperhead Squats x17 IC Tempo Merkins (also nice and slow) x 5…

Eleven locals stepped onto the grounds of Atlee High School for beautiful and humid Tuesday beatdown.  YHC had an unrealistic goal of what could be accomplished during the 45 minutes.  This is what occurred: COP – All IC SSH Don Quijotes Arm Circles – 10 big, 5 small, reverso Backwards lunge with front kick Merkins LBCs Friddie Mercuries Mosey to the Chickahominy football field Triple Sprints – Split into groups of 3.  Two members stays on one side of field.  The other person goes to the other side.  One person sprints, tags the other member and then does 5 burpees.  The other…

16 gloom warriors posted at NoToll this morning where the weather Sunny and 70 (as usual) with a little extra Humidity Sauce on the side.  The PAX showed up to work off some holiday excess and YHC was on a mission to put the monthly challenge goal in reach between this morning and tomorrow morning at W-Dog.  This is what went down… Mosey to the back parking lot for COP, which included SSHs, DQs (extremely slow), Copperhead Squats, Hillbillies (YHC tried his best to impersonate J-ville but there’s nothing like the real thing), LBCs and 25 WWII situps OYO. Mosey…

Eleven gathered in the grey pre-dawn darkness for this week’s iteration of Spider Run.  The PAX gathered near the commons, asked who had Q, heard the plan and then contemplated quickly driving over to Heartbreak for an alternative choice.  Nonetheless, here’s what transpired. Warm Up – 1 mile.  Wander down to the golf course, head up Ridgeway, left on Roselawn and meet at the bottom of Towana The Route – Hill repeats up Towana.  Run up for 1 minute then recover back to the bottom of Towana in 1:45.  Repeat 8x. – Final loop up Gateway and around by the…

A magnificent seven with a plus one posted for a beautiful morning at Heartbreak Ridge.  Hilarity ensued as we engaged in the following: Mosey around parking lot to warmup COP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixote, Merkins, meet our temporary mascot (more on this later) Mosey to field for intervals= 15 secs sprint, 45 secs mosey: repeato x10 Mosey to pull-up bars for: 7 pull-ups, 15 froggers, 10 flutter kicks, WWII sit-ups while waiting for the pull-up bars: repeato x3 Mosey to dip bars for: 7 jerkins, 10 SLOW heals to heaven: repeato x3 Mosey to the Hill of Eternal Pleasure…

28 strong Converged at the Belle Isle parking lot for a special Memorial Day beatdown. A great mix of Davillians, SOJ’ers, and West Enders all got after it.  Weather was 66 and sunny with ample humidity to get the PAX sweating.  Here is how it went down: COP on Brown’s Island.  SSH, Merkins, LBCs, Don Qs, Helicopter.  Split up PAX into 2 groups.  Honeydo took the first group and Swirly had the 2nd group. Pax 1:  Mosey back to parking lot.  3 Rounds of Donkey kicks at top of hill on the brick wall and Mtn climbers at the bottom, Start…

6 stalwarts posted on a Sunday morning for a holiday weekend run. The Thang: 7 or 10 mile options this am. NMM Out of respect for Lab Rat (and the trails), we decided to stay off the trails because of the recent excess of rain in the RVA area.  Given that, YHC decided that we would hit the access road next to the river and then do a few laps around Belle Isle and then take Canal street back to the pump house.  Good plan?  Except, the access road next to the river was a few feet under water and…

4 runner arrived at the run at four different times.  All PAX saw each other, but only two ran together. The Thang 3 loops on the longer hillcrest loop. NMM: Last Wednesday was a busy day of the PAX.  I had a 630 appointment, Bleeder and Lug had to leave early, Swirly was the only one that had the appointed time free for the run.  Despite our scheduling difficulties, we all decided a run was in order on the hills.  Lug and Bleeder were the first two to arrive and the first two to start.  YHC arrived about 5 minutes into…