16 gloom warriors posted at NoToll this morning where the weather Sunny and 70 (as usual) with a little extra Humidity Sauce on the side. The PAX showed up to work off some holiday excess and YHC was on a mission to put the monthly challenge goal in reach between this morning and tomorrow morning at W-Dog. This is what went down…
Mosey to the back parking lot for COP, which included SSHs, DQs (extremely slow), Copperhead Squats, Hillbillies (YHC tried his best to impersonate J-ville but there’s nothing like the real thing), LBCs and 25 WWII situps OYO.
Mosey to the pavilion field and line up on the sideline for Black-jack with jump squats and WWII situps (last week’s SOT crew new the pain in store but as I believe Honeymoon said – at least the field is softer than the tennis courts at SOT). Plank-o-rama for the six.
Mosey to the front field for a round of ascending 4-corners. Start in corner #1 with 10 merkins, run to corner #2 and do 10 merkins and 20 WWII situps, run to corner #3 and do 10 merkins, 20 WWII situps and 30 single-count mountain climbers, run to corner #4 and do 10 merkins, 20 WWII situps, 30 mountain climbers and 40 single-count SSHs, run back to corner #1 and Al Gore for the six.
Circle up on the field for a quick merkin ring of fire.
Mosey back to the basketball courts for 5 WWII situps OYO (for an even 300) and a few minutes of mary with box cutters x20 IC and hello dolly x20 IC.
2 minutes left and McRib just wanted to hug, so YHC obliged with 10 Burpees OYO and finish off with 1 minute of superman with some great vocals – 2x through the chorus.
COT, number-rama, name-a-rama, announcements and YHC took us out.
Announcements included:
- VQ week – June 26 – get on the schedule if you haven’t Q’d or try a new AO if you are a Q-regular
- Fudd’s summer soiree (aka stock the bar) – June 10th. RSVP to the pre-blast if you can make it — http://f3nation.com/2017/05/15/pre-blast-summer-soiree-at-fudds-house/
- June 3 Moo and Brew for Crossover Healthcare (see Malpractice) — http://f3nation.com/2017/05/27/preblast-june-3-moo-brew-5k-benefiting-crossover-healthcare-ministry-redskins-training-camp-scotts-addition/
- June 10 Cornhole and Rock N Roll to benefit Reese Strong – see Phonics
- C-ville launch is in full swing and the men of C-ville need a little less Swirly, TYA and Bleeder in their lives, so get a clown car and get to C-ville. Honeydo has this weekend and has 2 spots left (maybe?). Roanoke has June 10, but then RVA has June 17 and June 24, so plan a day trip…BODOS and Rank shoes are just two of the many benefits for making the trip.
- If you have an eagle scout, Flatline says there is a FREE night at Southside Speedway _______
- Prayers out for EF Hutton’s father and Lockjaw’s father-in-law…we are thinking about you guys.
Great work today men. The gloom was thick and the sweat was rolling. Great to see BFG and Shakedown posting regularly. BFG was killing the Blackjack today – I see you working BFG – EB! Great to see the New Market clown car continuing to roll strong…apparently Memorial Day is a sleep day in New Market. And McRib appears to have cracked the Hallsley time zone issue.
Some good mumblechatter today men. And, everyone crushed the 4-corners. Great work men. An honor and pleasure to lead as always!
No more Gumbo for you!
Way to work men. Great job. See you in the gloom.
WWII sit-ups are the best.
To finish the announcement from Flatline, cub scouts FREE this Friday at Southside Speedway – get there early and they can go down and check out the cars.
Also, Flatline recommended this as Memorial Day viewing and I just watched it and agree its worth your 6 minutes AYE! — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp8z2yJWcEA
Solid beat down for sure Gumbo. I felt it all day!
What an awesome way to start the day. Gumbo way to lead the PAX and I love WWII sit-ups. All members should watch the video linked in Gumbo’s reply.
See you gents at the gloom.