Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

8 Warriors were ready to roll as the clock struck 530 this morning at Timberwolf.  But wait, there are headlights coming, its Rosie, so 3 burpees OYO as Rosie emerged from the car, then the PAX was off and running. COP- SSH x 20 5 Burpees OYO Imperial Walkers x 20 5 Burpees OYO LBCs x 20 Merkins x 10 Arm Circles x 15 5 Burpees OYO Mosey to Track The Prostitute – Start at corner 1, exercise, move to corner 2, repeat exercise every-time you cross a corner, all the way up to 4 corners. Corner 1 – 25…

4 studs posted for the Wed night hill run (Roller Coaster) and here is how it went down. Kubota and Husky – 2 short loops Swirly – 3 long loops TYA – 2 Long loops All at different launch times 🙂 Great job guys – beautiful night for a run. See y’all in the gloom

Flatline came out to join the merry runners of Before Noon DLite today, unfortunately for him it was an off day. Shakedown was first on the scene to greet him, in work clothes because he forgot his shorts. Lab Rat did his best, which is not saying much.  We almost got 3 miles in before I had to slow it down to a walk do to feeling pretty shaky and dizzy.  As Flatline put it, “it’s a good thing you are running with a nurse”…which made me feel better.  Then he told me about the 3 patients that died this…

5 Confident Warriors showed up Washington Henry for some Kb action.  Everyone was super excited that Yardsale had the Q this morning.  Around 5:31, someone noticed there was no Yardsale.  Oh well, hot potato Q then! COP (Helix Style) — Arm circles, merkins, DQ’s, 11’s (No Idea style) — 10 demon crushers, lunge across loop, 1 halo Continue till done Don’t Drop the soap (Alternative Mudface version) — Start with around the worlds until droppage happens then run the lot and do 5 snatches each side.  Sometime after doing about 100 round the worlds, Mudface decided things were too easy…

A strong 11 made their way to WDOG for a post election workout.  Some stayed up late for election results, while others enjoyed the first College Basketball games of the Season.  In either case, all were ready to roll at 5:30. Mosey to large traffic circle where we continued in a single file jog around the circle for warm ups.  Cherry pickers, jog, inside shuffle, outside shuffle, jog, walk in squat position, jog, Army crawl into Bear crawl, jog, recover. COP: DQ’s, SSH’s, Russian Soldiers, American Hammers, Freddie Mercury’s. Thang: Stay at circle-Ring of fire:  PAX jogs in place, Q calls out fire…

A lucky 13 decided to workout before heading to the polls on this election day. The shovel flag was planted and the PAX got to work This how it went down: Mosey around the parking lot heading to back of the school. Stop at the poll place and complete 13 Merkins OYO COP (ALL IC) – SSH, DQ, Hillbillies, LBC’s, Merkins, Russian Soldiers, Arm Circles THANG Mosey to the tennis court Re-elect Dora! – Partner up, first partner runs around the tennis court while second does the exercises then switch. Exercises were the following:  35 Burpees STOP – 13 minutes…

Terrific trot today for a hearty group of Spider Runners. It is the opening of college basketball season, and prior to F3, my ritual would be to try to run around the arena where the Rams were playing. F3 punted that ritual, but I wanted to give it a go this morning, somewhat modified, as we essentially circled El Center de Robins. Busy day for me, so here’s the quick MOLESKIN. Richmond Way to Claiborne Stadium. Left there to Boatright. Boatright to Lakewood to Wood to Baldwin (modified Fudd Runn here). Baldwin all the way up to Hollins. Right on…

Red, blue, doesn’t matter in the gloom, 14 able bodied voters turned out at NoToll to cast their vote for a beatdown and also to kick off YHC’s birthday with a bang. THANG Mosey to back lot COP Copperhead Squats Cherry Pickers Hillbillies LBCs Reverse Scorpions Merkins Mosey to field 1 Battle for the House (Split PAX in half – Team Red vs. Team Blue) First team to 218 Burpees wins to take the House – Winner Team Blue Mosey to shelter Shootout for the Senate First member of Team Blue or Red to 51 Derkins wins the Senate –…

Nine came out to settle the election day the F3 way: Burpees and Merkins.  2 PAX (1 FNG) were underage to vote but participated just the same: COP – SSH, Helicopters, Don Qs, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Invisible Jumpropes.  Mosey to Heartbreak Hill. Battle for the House: Split up PAX into 2 groups.  Group 1 were dubbed Republicans, Group 2 were dubbed Dems.  218 total to take the House so 218 Burpees total amongst each group while 1 PAX runs up & down Heartbreak Hill.  First to magic number wins the House.  Republicans took the House (they had an extra member) Battle…

Nine brave souls fought off the fartsack to see what ByProduct had in mind at Gridiron on this beautiful rainy morning. COP (IC): SSH – 20X Helicopters – 15X Arm Circles – 10X/5X/10X/5X Don Quixotes – 15X The Thang: Mosey to grassy knoll for 10 minutes of burpees. 7 – 10 burpees for each minute increment, with 10 on the last round.   Adderall came out strong and did the max for each round, raising the bar for all of us, but not sure too many followed his lead. Next stop on the tour was the football field where we completed…

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