Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

3rd F: There is planning for a 3rd F convergence on 12/31. A few of the regions around RVA hold small faith-based discussion groups weekly and we are looking to expand upon it a few times a year with a 3rd F convergence. More details to come in the next few weeks.YHC will be collecting men’s clothes and gently used shoes in the month of December. 2nd F: Black Friday loops… See TYA for details. but it sounds like lots of running while the Ms go shopping. 1st F: The thang… ITs a running AO… so we ran.We started off…

3 studs embraced the lunar eclipse and posted at Twin Team for another round of exercise and comradery. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure: Moving warm-up with an Indigenous People’s Run around the 2 schools. Man in the back alternates between 10 side straddle hops and 10 count arm circles. Mosey to the Bettie Weaver basketball courts for Exercise One:Make your way across the court doing the following exercises:Lunge Walks, Broad Jumps, Lt. Dans, Forward Straddle Hops, Hoppin’ Cherry Pickers, Bear Crawl, Crab walk, WWII Crawl Bears, High Knees, Jumping Herpees. Jog back in between sets. Mosey…

YHC arrived to the Hill thinking he had signed the Q sheet only to learn Duke was going for the hat trick. YHC has been having some issues with the sign up sheet. Not wanting to write a 3rd BB in 3 days Duke surrendered the Q to my plan. Being out of town next week this was my last Friday of the month so a Murph was in order. Quick warm up. We did the Murph! YHC took us out in prayer.

YHC and Mr. Rogers launched at the stroke of 8pm with our packs filled with weight. Bricks, cinderblocks. It all adds up. The route covered the rolling hills of the Ruckahoe region including the scenic flats of Westham Station. Numerous deer were seen, other wildlife, as well as inquisitive neighbors asking if we were “out for a hike”. 1:45 total time covering 5.83 miles. Great conversation and getting to know Mr. Rogers. Interested in joining? Let us know and we will put you on the list.

The notoriously flamboyant Book Club de Forge assembled around steaming pumpkin spice lattes to chitchat about all sorts of juicy topics. Somewhere between marathon testimonials and swaddling techniques, the PAX knocked out a ridiculous series of exercises. Moving in serpentine fashion from the top parking lot to the bottom, there were about 56 brief COP’s with variable movement/mosey between, with a few highlights such as: Ye old “inchworm leap” about 40 yards, which looked like half an Opus (Handwalk to Merkin) then a Groiner then hop up with a Broad Jump clap. There is no actual name for this gem,…

Eight warriors assembled for a classic 4×2 workout. No prime numbers screwing things up today. Here is how it went down: COPSSHIWCherry pickersHelicoptersArm circlesScorpion kicksMerkinsLBCAPDMosey over to the side of the school15 donkey kicksBear crawl across parking lot to KB15 lawnmower pulls with each armRun back to the wall for a wall sit (1 minute)Rinse and repeat for 4 total roundsCatch me if you can – 10 burpees with partner doing double barrel KB carry4x checkRunSwingsOverhead pullsFlutter pressesMosey back to the shovel flag doing around the worldsCOT with YHC taking us out Good work by the PAX today. Good to…

12 strong came out to Mary this morning and here is how it went down. Mossy – Warm up on the blacktop Polerbears on the blacktop to the fence – at the fence balls to the wall – polerbears back to the starting line 20 WW11’s – repeat ! Tennis Courts : Suicides starting with 5 merkins and increasing 5 each line all 4 courts Track : Partner up – run opposite ways on the track when meet 20- PLT’s each run back to start 20 PLT’s – Repeat with the exercise being 10 Booyah merkins Ring of Fire -…

10 Strong men started the morning off right at t’wolf this morning! COP – SShs, helicopters, Copperhead squats, Hello Dollies, LBCs Mosey to school Escalating door run, add exercise at each door. 3 burpees, 15 merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs, 50 FLutters Included 2 full laps around the school. 4 corners – 10, 20 , 30 40, All dry Docks Walls sits with burpees, back to the flag. Numberama, Namerama, Doozy took us out! Strong work men! Duke

A recent record breaking number for the AO this morning. The PAX welcomed Swirly back to the WDog fold, all were in great spirits on his return. Doozy sent word that we would have an out of town visitor from St. Louis in our midst. We welcomed Bad News to WDog, and YHC wanted to make sure that Bad News would be able to bring back Good News to St. Louis that WDog has lots of great places to work out. YHC proceeded to try and tour all the highlights of WDog. It went down like this. Stretching was the…

My first planned Q at WaThoHuk. ‘We’ went east on Three Chopt Road, around the Goose Poop Loop to the entrance, then North on Fish Pond Lane, left on Old Brick Road to the parking deck next to Burger Bach. ‘We’ ran the stairs 4 times with a stop at the top for 20 merkins. ‘We’ then returned the way ‘we’ came except ‘we’ completed a circumnavigation of the Goose Poop Loop. When ‘we’ got back, ‘we’ ran around the island and then ‘we’ did 20 merkins and called it finis (about 10 minutes early). Total distance was about 3.2…

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