Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Coupons

4 brave Gents beat the heat to explore what the Goyne has to offer. No law enforcement had to be called for the random guy rifle carrying a sledge hanger through the neighborhood. Quick water break halfway through, then on to the plastic frisbee wanna be golf course. We made it back to the jungle gym for dips, pull ups, jerkins, and a quick mosey BTTF. 2.5 miles to start the morning off.

Coupons were brought for all to share during the ruck. None opted to bring Cindy or the sledge hammer for the rifle carry. Rodeo clown at one point showed us his agility with a cartwheel proving he does all his own stunts. Our best calculations showed to be about 2.6 miles. Mudslide got the only pull up in before he split for broga. We finished strong with the one last quick lap around the park just in time for the Florence Q. Great work PAX.

Two SOJ usurpers stamped passports, hopped a clown car, and after hours of quality mumble chatter landed their craft safely at The Creek. They were greeting by five fierce natives of the north lands who resisted the takeover until they were placated with gifts of latex-dipped gloves. The wild northmen then gaped in awed silence at the gifts of coupons emerging from the aforementioned craft, and solemnly each warrior accepted a token of good will. Here’s what two bewildered deer witnessed: The THANG:  WARMERAMA: Each member of the PAX directed to collect a unique heavy item – the options were:…

Three Bermuda big boys gave Goyne park a run for its money today. We’ve recently planted some cindys at the AO – so we broke those in! At 5:31am we realized Q might be MIA – so YHC might have cooked up the following on the spot. Warm-up Curb Work, Stretches Ukrainian Soldiers Okay we’re warm! COP 1 Triple Check Dips Pullups 200m run Mosy with squats in between COP 2 Triple Check Shoulder raises 1-legged Cindy Squats Run/Bernie up Quad Hill COP 3 Double Check Swings Merkin/Plank Jack / Bearcrawl combo Finisher Big Rig led out with 5 minutes…

3 HIMs enjoyed a sunrise beef with this KB/Cindy focused workout. We were hoping some FNG’s would show – but alas – another day. Big Rig, Pool Boy, and State Farm grunted through the following mish mash. Warmarama: Various IC XO’s Grab the weights – 62lb KB, 45lb KB, Cindy COP 1 – Rifle Carry Rifle Carry Weight around the median If you drop – 10ea I.C. Ab Xo’s 2 Laps COP 2 – SALLY! Sally Up – Upright Row Sally Down/Song – Deadlift COP 3 – Triple Check Jump Ropes Run Median down, bernie back Curls/Skull Crushers/Obliques (Changed each…

A swarthy band of 15 studs posted to Rockwood in the pouring rain for a turbulent ride on the DTH pain train. The PAX included two FNG’s courtesy of Rodeo Clown (well done!) and YHC’s own 2.0’s Oreo and Banjo, who didn’t have a choice considering the M is out of town. Here’s why none of us will be able to grip anything tomorrow… The THANG: WARMERAMA:  Mosey to the F3RVA-tagged Taco and each PAX collects TWO BRICKS – PAX instructed to carry bricks in hand the entire 60 minute bootcamp MUSIC BEATS turned UP Mosey to a moist grassy…

On a muggy evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the air hung heavy with humidity, seven intrepid souls embarked on a mission to conquer the realm of fitness. Without a talked about synced plan, Meatball and Chaplain embarked on a “Double Q”. Warmorama: Chaplain led us out on a Mosey to the storage containers on the east fence line and in cadence… Side Straddle Hops, Copperhead Squats, Cherry Pickers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Heels to Heaven, Dead Man Hang, Toe Taps. #switchtheQ COP1: Indigenous Run around the church. Last Man drops to do a Burpee and then catches…

11 SOJ Titans emerged for the ideal conditions that presented us this morning. After some brief salutations and greetings, we were off to enjoy the treats that the finest fields in Chesterfield had to offer. Circle up on the plush turf for introductions and disclaimers, followed up by a brief warm up that included SSH, DQ, Helis, Jazzercise, LBC, Dead Bugs, Merkins and Superman (with vocal harmonies). Let us begin the THANG Mosey to behind the dumpsters to collect the long neglected coupons. Find a few of your closest compadres for a triple check. Round 1 bench press, wiper merkins…

11 Soldiers showed up at the Crossing as we reflected on VE Day or Victory Day. The day WWII ended in Europe. Mosey to the South lot for a warmup: Side Straddle Hops, Squat Jacks, CopperHead Squats, Dead Man Hang, Plank into Peter Parkers. COP #1: Paired up. Partner Ran and those that stayed home changed exercised. Once both partners ran, we changed exercises: Imperial Walkers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Toe Taps. COP #2: Repeat with new exercises; Carolina Dry Docks, Monkey Humpers, Bobby Hurlies, Heels to Heaven. COP #3: Repeat with new exercises; Calf Raises, Hello Dollies, Freddie Mercury, Peter…

18 Men showed up this morning for a little fun on Satan’s Hill. YHC sent out a challenge to a group of people last night and challenged them to post. to encourage them I told them I would donate $ towards the F3 / Brightside fundraiser for pediatric cancer. 8 of those people took me up on the challenge and YHC donated $100 towards the fundraiser! If you are reading this and feeling like you want to help the cause I have included the link for you. Warmarama- after a stroll up satan’s hill and back we started with SSH,…

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