Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

8 varmint chasers assembled SOJ @ SOT for a hot potato Q that started with the trendy fad of the week: the release of the latest catch. Honeymoon was over the moon to be part of the festivities after Döner Kebab hogged it all to himself the day before. Cuddles Jr peaced out, the PAX cheered (though Wilson couldn’t bear to look), and Rosie took the Q. Mosey to front of school for COP: SSH, DQs, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Flutterkicks (possibly another?) Mosey to side of school. School bus stood in the way of the desired exercise. Rosie calls an…

Two traveling PAX gathered on the magnificent mile for a deep-dish beatdown of sorts.  Gather in front of Fudd’s hotel, quick pleasantries and off we went.  Here’s how it went down, more or less: The Thang Run south on Michigan to Randolph and take a left on Randolph to the north end of Grant Park.  Mosey to Prizker Pavilion for some modified bench work.  20x Derkins & Dips & Stepups. Mosey around the bend to attempt the climbing wall.  Attempts were made to climb.  Bear crawl instead around the climbing wall. Meander across the million dollar pedestrian bridge (sculpted steel…

6 news anchors show up to work on their their ubulus muscle that connects to the upper dorsinus. It’s boring but part of our life. And this is what’s happening with the PAX today: COP SSH IC Cotton Pickers w/ KB IC Merkins IC WWII Situps IC Don Quixotes IC (Swirly Style) Arm Circles IC Mosey to the side of the school The Channel 4 News Team!! (4 Corners) With Ron Burgundy (20 Sling Shots) Champ Kind, Sports (20 Racked Squats) Brick Tamland, Weather (20 Sit-up Press) and the reporter in the field Brian Fantana (20 KB Swings) News at…

It’s May!  It’s 42 degrees!!  What is going on?  18 Pax members stepped onto the grounds of Atlee High School for the beatdown that was getting ready to occur.  This is how it went: COP:  SSH, Don Quixotes, Arm Circles, LBCs, Merkins. Mosey to the Soccer Field.  Begin Phonics’s Least Favorite Things.  4 corners:  Richard Kimbles, Burpees, Merkins, WWII Situps.  The PAX completed two laps.  Instead of having a number of each exercise, the PAX moved to the next corner when the Q announced to move.  This allowed the PAX to move from corner to corner today. Mosey to the…

7 studs emerged from the fartsack for a morning run on the hills.  Weather was 44 degrees and sunny (70 and sunny in my mind) The Thang: Mount Henrico for everyone but Saab.  Saab, do whatever the hell you want to do because your not going listen to my directions anyways… NMM The route was 5.3 miles this morning with 250+ feet of elevation gain.  This is one of YHC favorite runs for Spider run.  Good steady incline on the way out and then a quick return trip to the lake. Weather was a little chilly this am, prompting full…

14 varmint catchers fought the lure of the fartsack and assembled at NoToll for an SOJ beatdown that went something like this: COP: SSH, DQs, Arm Circles, Merkins, Boxcutters Mosey to Tennis courts for Pan Pax 8-count Burpees The 4 poor souls who tripped up on the cadence are instant Ghosts, the rest of the PAX lines up on either side of them and are Pacmen. Pacmen try to crab walk to other side without getting tagged by ghosts. Plank once tagged. Mosey to soccer fields for Quadruple check: dips, muscle ups, 25 WWIIs (pace) – repeato x4 Mosey to…

An energetic eleven encamped upon Quioccasin MS for week 3 of Heartbreak Ridge. 44 degrees at the start required the PAX to keep it moving. Mosey to Pemberton ES for COP – SSH, Don Qs, Arm Circles, Flutterkicks, Merkins, Helicopters. Partner Up for Wheelbarrow up the steps- Merkin at each step up to the top, repeato. Mosey to side of QMS – Totem Pole Indian Run. Bear Crawl up newly named Honeysuckle Hill. 5 Burpees at top, back down then 3 Burpees at bottom. Repeato. Head to basketball court. Split pax and do 10 WWII situps at each goal. Next…

The Inaugural F3RVA Thursday Tennis series kicks off at Kanawha Rec Assoc this Thursday evening. All PAX are welcome, please RSVP in comments as Honeydo will provide refreshments but BYOR. Time 7:00 – 9:00 PM Address 8100 Holmes Avenue, Richmond,VA 23229

6 solid citizens arrived early enough to the polling place to vote for their hot potato Q. Here’s how the votes were tallied. THE THANG Bleeder Q Mosey to the COP on the Tennis Courts 20x SSH 10X Merkins 20X DonQuixote 30X LBC’s 20X Helicopter 20X Mountain Climbers 4 Corners 10X Merkins, 20X Knee Bends, 30X WWII Sit ups, 40x box cutters EF Hutton Q partner up Hello Dolly’s, Lunge, Burpees, Booya Merkins at change over while partner makes 2 loops around the tennis courts. Swirly Q Mosey to do 5x Pull-ups, 5x Chin ups, 20X Dips and 20x Incline…

Six studly souls joined YHC for a Saturday morning evolution, sponsored by quads and hams. We had a guest appearance by “Spit” from Richmond, who represented strong for his home base. Warm-ups – Mosey from the the ball park out the front and over to the top of DNC where we did, in cadence, SSH, Cotton Pickers, Squats, Imperial Walkers, decline (I mean incline Merkins) all for count of 15. The Thang – Mosey down the hill to the stump area for a set of 11s (Step Ups and Dips). (multiple questions by Bibo – including how many an what…