7 studs emerged from the fartsack for a morning run on the hills. Weather was 44 degrees and sunny (70 and sunny in my mind)
The Thang:
Mount Henrico for everyone but Saab. Saab, do whatever the hell you want to do because your not going listen to my directions anyways…
The route was 5.3 miles this morning with 250+ feet of elevation gain. This is one of YHC favorite runs for Spider run. Good steady incline on the way out and then a quick return trip to the lake.
Weather was a little chilly this am, prompting full winter gear from some PAX. Most had long sleeved shirts on, about 1/2 wore gloves, and at least one went all in with the double layer up top, gloves, and a winter hat. Swirly sure was warm on his way around Henrico county this morning. In a couple days, we will all be shirtless and sweating out there.
Kotters to Saab. Saab was on business then off to SC last week for the graduation of his 2.0. First, congratulations that is quite an accomplishment. All the PAX are happy for you and your daughter. Also, congratulations to her securing a post college job in the RVA area. Quite impressive. Saab’s talk this morning did not center around the graduation itself, but on having to chaperone his mother and mother in law around all weekend. Of particular joy to Saab was being able to buy everyone (seemingly) in SC meals all weekend with little gratitude or appreciation coming back his way…Good news is no more checks to SC, bad new is one more to go, so 4 more years of checks to some other school.
Where in the world is Sippy? We miss you brothers!!!
Cheer up Saab, just think about it this way. The meal tax rate in Columbia SC is only 8.0% … if you were in Richmond for the weekend buying meals you would have been closer to (If I Recall Correctly) 11.3%.
Feel better now?
Great to be back fellas. It’s been so long I forgot that the soft, southern drawl I am ignoring is really just TYA spouting important information such as directions. In fairness, I had taken the Splinter/Swirly hybrid consisting of a jaunt through frat-row and a run to the water towers.
Appreciated Swiper and BT’s observation that I crossed their path near the end in “Dukes of Hazzard” style….not certain if I was Bo, Luke, Boss Hog or Daisy – but I’ll take it.
Meant to ask TYA if the pasties are self-sticking, or does one have to apply his/her own adhesive?…inquiring minds want to know.
Saabski abides
Man it’s great to ole Saabski back ! Good work today guys – beautiful morning for a run..
See yall in the gloom…
Thanks Viral. What does give me slight cheer is your astute knowledge of city tax rates. Impressive dude.
Leave it to Saab to do his own thing.
Sounds like it could have been pastie weather. Sorry to miss it.
See you guys soon.
Great job fellas! Phonics hasn’t posted the BB for DaVille yet but we had 18 PAX members post this morning!! This make 50 PAX members posting at all AO’s today!!
Tclaps to F3RVA!!
If Saab is buying, I’ll have ham on Wheat with lettuce and tomato. Chips on the side. Thanks Saab. Welcome back.
Ah the cheap date I never had. Every time we passed a Circle K this weekend it had me wishing we could all just grab something there…even a day-old shriveled weenie would sufficed.
I forgot about the multiple coldbeers.
Lol I googled that just to find a silver lining for you spending your hard-earned pennies!
Aye! Aye! Aye!
TYA, nice route, glad(sorry) to miss it.
SAAB, thanks for the use of your credit card this weekend, all meals were tasty and nutritional, I did save the bottles of Dom Perignon in case you need them for an expense report. Congrats to your 2.0 for graduating! Let the celebrations continue.
Daisy, pasties, Saab picking up the check; sounds like a trip to Richard’s for “legs ‘n eggs” is in order!
Glad to see Saab is back off special assignment. looking forward to the recap on the next Podcast. Also glad to hear some PAX bundled up. Please note Wilson had no hat and only a sweatshirt on. Southside temp 33 degrees!
Ok, and shorts, socks & tennis shoes!
Welcome back Saab and congrats.
If there were such a thing as Comment String of The Week (CSOTW), this would be in the running…just saying.
Man, I missed you boys this morning…especially you, Saab. My M is out of town and the 2.0s aren’t quite old enough to be alone at 0530. I’m out on Thursday and Friday in Dallas with work. Can’t wait to get back at it next week.