Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: RAMM

Mary Munford Elementary

11 faithful arrived in the gloom to challenge the weather today. THE THANG Starting out toward Three Chopt on Grove Ave, Turn around, making 4, 5, 6 mile loops, respectively, turning at Malvern, Roseneath, and the Boulevard. Moleskin Continuing in the Forest Gump Genre, “We ran in every type of rain there is: Stinging Rain, Big old Fat Rain, Rain that flew in sideways, and Rain that came straight up from underneath.” Several of the PAX today debated the wardrobe choices with the weather, BT and Toga,both, opted for the stealth mode Black ensemble. Although, Toga’s prison striped reflectors were…

8 fleet footed faithful found there way to the festivities this morning.  Weather was perfect for a run. 62 degrees and cloudy, no humidity. Take a right on Grove, four mile loop turn around at Malvern, 5 mile loop turn at Roseneath, 6 mile loop turn at THE Boulevard.  All run to Three Chopt, turn around and back to the shovel flag. Moleskin Lots of injuries and illnesses in the PAX right now.  Bleeder had to fartsack due to a twisted ankle yesterday….Get well soon Bleeder…  Swirly started off strong, but slowed considerably at the end due to a bout…

9 faithful felt like running this morning at RAMM. THE THANG On Grove ave, run towards the Boulevard, Turn around, back down Grove, Four mile, Wisteria, Five mile, Tuckahoe, 10K, Three Chopt Loops and back to the Shovel Flag. COT BT took us out. Moleskin Glad to have Nancy up from Greensboro, He was kind enough to invite any PAX member who happens to be traveling by Greensboro to hit one of there AO’s for a Beatdown. With the BRR in our rearview mirror, BT noticed a sincere lack of flashing lights and bright neon drenched clothing from the PAX…

Last September 20, twenty-four men posted for the first F3 RVA workout – the GridIron – at Pouncey Tract Park.  For most it was our RedPill Workout. Less than a year later: there are F3 RVA workouts each day of the week; there are events where the men of F3 RVA come together as a team and do things a year ago they would have thought not possible; and there exist genuine friendships formed as Iron Sharpens Iron. To celebrate this growth, to offer thanks for these blessings, and to embolden our focus on the 3 Fs, we’re coming together…

13 Faithful Eager Runners posted at the AO this morning. The Shovel Flag planted in the quiet garden plot nearest the Staff Parking lot. The THANG From the Parking Lot, run to Grove turn Rightish, Head to the Boulevard, turn around head back to Wisteria 4 mile loop, Tuckahoe, 5 mile Loop, Mailbox in Front of St. Catherine’s, 6 mile loop, & then back to the Shovel Flag. Those that are running the BRR were told to take it down a notch for a slow steady run today, The BRR group from RVA is in the launch window for the…

10 fleet footed F3 PAX posted for the weekly jaunt around Mary Munford.  Weather was ideal, mid 60’s, no humidity and clear skies.  Perfect day for a fast run. The Thang Right onto Grove, run to Boulevard and turn around.  4 mile loop run to Wisteria, 5 mile loop run to Tuckahoe, and 6 mile loop run to St. Catherine’s bus loop.  After turnaround point, back to the shovel flag Moleskin Lugnut and Bleeder were pushing each other the whole route today.  Having already broken the ten minute mile barrier a month or so ago, they were pushing themselves even…

17 strong post for a jaunt down Grove Ave. The Thang 4 milers run Malvern to Three Chopt and back to MM 5 milers run to Nansemond to Three Chopt and back to MM 6 milers run to the Boulevard to Three Chopt and back to MM Moleskin This is YHC first Q at RAMM. After several attempts to find alternative routes for todays run YHC brought back old faithful. The PAX continues to show great speed and endurance. Well done fellas, you should all be proud. Convergence Saturday, September 19th. Be there!

12 Faithful arrived for today’s run. It was a perfect temperature for a run or for flying. THE THANG Run Backwards to Grove, turn right, Run to the Boulevard, Return for the 4, 5, 6 , 6+ mile loops, then back to the Shovel Flag. MOLESKIN YHC arrived early in the gloom to get some bonus mileage in before the PAX arrived, YHC thought someone would have had the same idea. Wearing enough reflective clothing, YHC could easily be spotted in case Jville showed. The two 747’s that tried landing on Commonwealth this morning has YHC rethinking the amount of…

12 Faithful posted this morning at the Top of Hillcrest The THANG Ran continuous loops of Hillcrest until the appointed time of 0615. Marv took us out in the COT Moleskin YHC arrived early to leave his car at the normal starting point for the run with a sign for directions to Hillcrest, Aisle 5 and Wilson were kind enough to drive me there. In prep for the BRR, a hill workout was needed. TYA suggested that we modify the run to accommodate just that. Last Wednesday afternoon’s hill workout was so much fun, why not try on a friday…

11 fast and strong runners posted on a glorious Friday morning.  70 and sunny at the outset and at the finish The Thang: Monument Avenue Loops: 4, 5, and 6 mile options.  Commonwealth road to Monument, turn right on Monument.  4 mile turn is at Sheppard, 5 mile turn is at Strawberry, and 6 mile turn is at Allen Street. Moleskin: Since YHC is a son of a history teacher I probably should know more about the monuments on Monument Ave.  When I declared the 6 mile turnaround as around a monument at Allen street it was pointed out that…

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