Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Finish what you start..BAKE SALE…BAKE SALE


12 Faithful arrived for today’s run. It was a perfect temperature for a run or for flying.


Run Backwards to Grove, turn right, Run to the Boulevard, Return for the 4, 5, 6 , 6+ mile loops, then back to the Shovel Flag.


YHC arrived early in the gloom to get some bonus mileage in before the PAX arrived, YHC thought someone would have had the same idea. Wearing enough reflective clothing, YHC could easily be spotted in case Jville showed. The two 747’s that tried landing on Commonwealth this morning has YHC rethinking the amount of Light and reflection necessary to prevent being run over by a car.

Happy that the PAX could complete the rest of the Backwards running that TOGA started us on yesterday. Sorry that Pucker was not there to show us how it’s done. Saab was not going to be late, he started running as he shut his car door, and looked slightly confused as the PAX started running backwards toward Grove, but quickly hit his reverse stride.

YHC had Life Savers Peppermints for the PAX that arrived early, Please check out this article for more info about running and Peppermint facts Link:Peppermint Grizzly and Best Shot were asking about it on the route out this morning.

YHC was glad to be able to run with Best Shot and Grizzly for a brief period this morning. We were able to attach to another run group, some of whom were more lit up than YHC. No Planes were sighted though.

Lug Nut, looking for more speed, found that the performance of a race car/runner can be subject to the amount of time it takes to make a PItSStop.

TYA was hot on the heels of Swirly and BT. BT and Swirly discovered that halting conversation can increase their pace, and they quickly out paced TYA. YHC is sure TYA continued to talk to himself.

SAAB was first to return the Shovel Flag from the longest loop. Way to hit it SAAB!


Sunday trail run will be at Pocahontas Park. 10k cross country loop that will be run twice. Meet at Martins at Stony Point at 6:30 to clown car to Chester. Let Jville know if you plan on joining his clown car.
Richmond GoRuck event is on October 23 & 24th. Talk to Honey Do. Preblast posted a few weeks back. Check it out here Red Light and Blue.

Next Wednesday’s Hill run will be followed by a beverage at TYA’s house – this will serve as our second F for August.

Bake sale, at Parham Rd Exxon (807 E. Parham Road) Friday 11 a.m Swirly and YHC daughters raising money for a School Athletic Trip.


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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great Q bleeder. Grizzly is still looking for Wishart. No found it this morning on my way to a meeting it is in sleepy hollow 5-6 miles down the road. Interstingly wisteria is at the four mile turnaround…,

  2. Wishart Is near Collegiate, Russell Wilson ran laps around it when he was there. Interestingly, Most laps were four mile loops.

  3. Excellent Q & BB – Bleeder !
    Way to get in some bonus milage in …..
    Thanks to all who came out to support our girls .