Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoToll

Huguenot Park

Nine fielders and a DH posted for Vinny Ball as things begin to open up and the return of major league baseball is imminent. Grab your can of lip and slap your finger, it’s time to Play Ball! Warm-up lap around the first field then assemble for COP: Willie Mays Hayes x 9 / Arm Circles Forward & Backward; Big and Little: all x 9 / Imperial Walkers x 9 / Helicopters x 15 Vinny Baseball: Home plate x 1 Heels to Heaven. Run to first base x 10 Burpees. Back to HP x 1 then back to 1B x…

Five studs posted to No Toll to tour the fields, here’s how it went: COP – Nope. The THANG: Mosey with the Stars n Stripes to the lower parking lot, and do two laps (1 mile) around outer perimeter of fields. Plant the flag, then 20 minutes of 4 corners using the outer perimeter AMRAP: 1st corner: merkins x 20 2nd corner: jump squats x 20 3rd corner: burpees x 10 (x 20 if you’re a DaVillian) 4th corner: WWIIs x 20 Grab the flag, do two more laps (1 mile) and BTTCars. Numberama, name-o-rama, YHC took us out. Announcements:…

6 Young Studs arrived dressed in their Tuesday best for a Prom Date beatdown with the lush green fields at No Toll. Like many proms, most events were a bit hazy but this is what was recalled. Mosey to the parking lot for quick warm up. SSH’s, Arm Circles, Reverso, Cherry Pickers, DQ’s, LBC’s, Inverted Scorpion Kicks. Everyone warm, lets hit the dance floor. Mosey to the perfectly manicured green fields. Ideal condition for some slow dancing and soft whispers of anticipation. First Dance – 2 songs of 5 Points. Song 1 included the 80’s rock ballad of the following…

5 Gloom warriors ventured out of the wood work to find no Q on the sheet but YHC had made a text commitment to Bullseye the night before that if nobody else took the Q YHC would take it. 5:30 Doozy has the Q, lets mosey. COP: DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Cross leg stretches both sides, Inverted Scorpion Kicks, Regular Scorpion Kicks and Merkins, 5 burpees OYO Mosey to the corner: Four corner prostitute Corner 1 – 10 WWII’s, Corner 2 – 20 American Hammers, Corner 3 – 30 Sugar Sticks, Corner 4 – 40 Rosalitas or Hello Dollies Mosey…

5 grizzled veteran showed up for a Doozy Q at No Toll this morning and at 5:30 we set off for a tour of the AO COP in back parking lot DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Copperhead Squats, Snake Bites each leg, Merkins, LBC’s Mosey to pavilion, what??? they closed the pavilion? No worries adapt and overcome. (5) Increasing Man Killer Burpees – Man Killers starting at 5 after first set do one burpee after second set of 4 man killers do 2 burpees and so on and so forth In front or on the side of the pavilion use the…

5 bleary-eyed detectives picked up the Easter Bunny’s trail somewhere south of Robious. Trying to summon the little hopper with some kind of ridiculous rain dance including Don Quixotes, helicopters, imperial walkers, Russian soldiers and some other flailing nonsense disguised as a warmup. After a short plank we recovered to find that our exertions had in fact summoned a force even greater than the white rabbit: Bone Thug, dropped out of the sky like a teleporting legend quietly stealing the candy from baskets all over the south side. The hophazard search for the golden egg continued across all 4 corners…

5 socially distant warriors took to the lush fields to embark on a classic No Toll beatdown. YHC saw the Q was open and decided to step up and lead for the 1st time of his F3 journey. The moon was bright, temperature a cool 70 degrees and the fields laid with a dewy hue. Here is what is rumored to have occurred: Mosey to parking lot for COP SSH, DQ’s, Helicopters, Arm Circles, Reversos, Cherry Pickers were served up warm. All looked good so lets move. THE THANG Exercise 1 – Mile warm up cause why not In honor…

7 equally distanced warriors posted for a no Q, No Toll beat down. Once gathered at a somewhat equal distance to talk about how this was going to work hot potato style, Tobit threw YHC under the bus as the first come first serve representative Q. YHC had actually thought about signing up the night before anyway so the Q gauntlet was accepted without a fight. Mosey to the COP parking lot DQ’s, Helicopters, Jasersizes, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Sugar Sticks and American Hammers Mosey to the first corner for an easy four corner starter Corner 1 – (10) WWIIs, Corner…

16 Irish looking hooligans broke through the dark of No Toll with Olivander coming in hot as he usually does. They where looking for a treasure that was said to be hidden somewhere in the four leaf clover filled fields at this amazing AO. Here is basically how things went. COP Mosey to the basketball court for DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, LBC’s and Sugar Sticks Mosey to the first field on the left and get to know the Irish prostitute First corner 10 WWII, second corner 20 American Hammers, third corner 30 jump squats and forth corner 40 squats Pick…

17 PAX (almost 18) posted for a Tuesday morning helping of Gumbo, it was served up with constant motion like this: First at 0517, Mr. Roper’s 4Runner pulls in next to the SS Gumbo and the window rolls down. Roper has a wry smile on his face and says “I forgot my shoes…well, see ya later Roper.” The morning shoe routine finally bit Roper in the arse. It would have been great to see Roper workout in his crocks, but instead, off he went. Hope the day turns around for you, Mr. Roper! 0524 and only 4 cars in the…

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