Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Silver and Gold I have none but what I do have I give freely


16 Irish looking hooligans broke through the dark of No Toll with Olivander coming in hot as he usually does. They where looking for a treasure that was said to be hidden somewhere in the four leaf clover filled fields at this amazing AO. Here is basically how things went.


Mosey to the basketball court for DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, LBC’s and Sugar Sticks

Mosey to the first field on the left and get to know the Irish prostitute

First corner 10 WWII, second corner 20 American Hammers, third corner 30 jump squats and forth corner 40 squats

Pick up the 6 and mosey to the pavilion

Let the hunt begin

YHC broke the PAX into three groups and had made arrangements with Gumbo and Rosie to lead two of the groups. Rosie texted YHC this morning that he had been up all night and not feeling well so Bullseye stepped up to take a team. YHC gave each leader a map and instructed the PAX teams to head to a corner for their instructions. Three teams four corners leaves one corner with a built in penalty. If your team had to ask for the team leader to look at the map it would cost the team 10 burpees. YHC’s team chose the wrong corner to start and had 5 penalty burpees after that they had to go to the open corner to get the right instructions. Each card had instructions to the next corner and a list of 3 sets of 10 each different exercises. third set of instructions lead to the treasure which was hidden in the little library box by the playground. Bullseyes team was the overall winner and found Doozy’s most valuable treasure, his Bible. Once the entire PAX met up Marmaduke attempted to read Matthew 13:44 but was confused by YHC’s study Bible and read the notes for 13:14. YHC helped out by reading it to the PAX “The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again , and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”

Numbers / Names YHC took us out


YHC wanted to have fun on St Patty’s day but also felt lead by the Spirit to hide his most valuable possession rather than a fake pot of gold or what we had originally thought of asking POG to dress in all green and have him pop out of a box and take off running. YHC can’t fully tell you about his past in this BB but from what he was to who he is, is as far as the East is from the West and its all because of what he found in the pages of his Bible. I beg you if you don’t believe just read it with an open mind, if I am wrong about what I believe it’s of little significance but if I am right as I know I am, its the single most important decision you could ever make. I love everyone of you guys and I pray for nothing but the best for you and your families.


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you guys for letting me lead today and special thanks to my two Leprechauns Gumbo and Bullseye