Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: NoToll

Huguenot Park

“Exodus is not just describing a ragtag group of people wandering around in the desert. It is describing how resilient people are made. It’s an eternal story of spiritual and moral formation that happens again and again and again.” – David Brooks, Second Mountain 24 studs wandered together in the most manicured desert that Chesterfield County has to offer. Despite freezing temps in The Piedmont, it was 70 and sunny at No Toll. According to local legend it went a little something like this. Mosey to parking lot. COP: SSH X 20, IW X 20, Lunge X 20, WWII X…

Three F3RVA GMs escaped the fartsack to pay penance to the Fantasy Gods in the third inaugural F3 RVA Fantasy Football review. Seven more with little to no interest in the theme of the day hopped on for the ride. THANG COP (In honor of the Playoff Teams) Honeymoon (7-6) – Copperhead Squats x 7Viral (7-6) – Snow Angels x 7Sparky (8-5) – APDs x 8Loose Goose (9-4) – Hand Release Merkins x 9Opus (11-2) – Smurf Jacks x 11 Beatdown of the Year: Loose Goose over BT week 10 by 85 points – 85 LBCs OYO The Good: Opus…

Twas the morning before Christmas with Draper in his sweatshirt and me in my shorts emerged from our cars for a 2 person beatdown. When what to our wondering eyes should appear but an SUV Clown car with 5 large men. No Q, hot potato. YHC started with COP and 11s. Draper took over with a twist on Dora and then the Quarter Pounder. Nancy pushed us back to the flag with some native American run merkins and WW2s. Wilson took us out with a extra prayer for Aisle 5, as he goes in for surgery Thursday. Merry Christmas guys.…

30 spirited men traveled from near and far to participate in a yearly tradition almost as popular as the classic “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”. EF Hutton wins the Holiday Spirit award showing up dressed as a present and everyone else gets a gold star for participating in the sing-along. I thought about making some changes to the program but realized I knew it too well and might confuse myself so we stuck to the same order, much to the PAX dismay, especially when we got to 12. A short little COP to introduce the day with SSH, Helicopters, and IW,…

A balmy 60’s and less-gloomy-than-usual NoToll welcomed 18 brothers to taste and see the goodness of turf perfection. Here’s how we embraced the moist lushness: The THANG: Partner Carry (alternate as needed) to COP #1 in the Parking Lot: SSH, DQs, Russian Soldiers, Cherry Pickers, NoCheat Merkins, FreddieM’s, Starfish Crunches Mosey over to Field #1 for The Crossing: Low crawl x20 pacesBearpees x20 paces (Burpee every 5 BC paces)Lunge x20 paces Repeato to reach the end of the field Return across Field via Quarter Pounder: Sprint out to complete exercises, then run backwards to beginning25 yard line – x25 WWII’s50 yard…

14 SOJ regulars assembled at NoToll hoping to get horizontal in the lush green fields. Döner Kebab secured the Q from Marmaduke the night before…and had other ideas. The beatdown went something like this: THANG Mosey to Robious then circle back to basketball courts COP – 29 SSHs, 13 DQs, 13 Copperhead Squats, 29 Crabcakes, 29 Hello Dollies, 13 Bob & Weaves (each side) Mosey to Robious then circle back to restrooms Triple Check – Donkey Kicks, Merkin at bench (dealer’s choice), run to playground and back Mosey to Robious then circle back to poles in front of restrooms Curb…

Fourty six redwoods posted on a crisp fall morning. Weather was perfect to be alive and have a morning beatdown. The Thang Mosey to upper parking lot. 20 ssh, 6, burpees on your own, 70 LBC. Mosey to field for the Magna Carta (try saying that with a Boston Accent). Run across the field for 12 merkins, run back and do 15 Lt. Dan’s. Repeat x 5. Stay on field for four corners. The first corner is 5 burpee, second corner 18 carolina dry docks, third corner, 19 lunges and fourth corner was 32 WWII situps, repeat x 4. Mosey to parking lot. Four corners agains, 1 Burpee, 16…

15 Strong Showed up for a Duke Q, but Duke didn’t have a clue what was on the agenda! Either way the PAX was off at 530. COP SSH x 20 DQ x 10 Helicopters x 10 Imperial Walkers x 20 Merkins x 10 LBCs x 20 Mosey to corner of lot: 4 Corners Round 1 – 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 20 Mountain Climbers, 30 SSHs Round 2 – 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 WWIIs, 40 Jump Squats Round 3 – 15 burpees, 30 Merkins, 45 Monkey Humpers, 60 Copperhead Squats Round 4 – 20 Burpees, 40 Shoulder Taps, 60…

A devoted 13 Jurassic game wardens posted in the NoToll gloom to wrangle the voracious merkin-hungry beast. Here’s how we served breakfast to Chestosaurus Rex! The THANG: Warmerama on the Bball Courts: Merkincides – x5 Merkins at each line, x5 rounds completed(Total x100 Merkins) Mosey to the lush turf for COP #1: Shovel Flag PlantedWelcome & F3 DisclaimerDQ’s x10 ICx20 Merkins OYOHairy Rockettes x10 ICx20 Merkins OYOArm Circles x40 ICx20 Merkins OYOCopperhead Squats x10 ICx20 Merkins OYODTH’s x10 ICx20 Merkins OYO(Another x100 Merkins = x200 Total) Mosey to Bleachers for COP #2: Partner up for Dora 1-2-3×100 Box Jumpsx200 Incline…

Twenty two stallions saved their toll money for YHC’s Q2. After a mosey to the parking lot and legally binding disclaimer, here’s how it went: COP: SSH x 20, DQ x 10, IW x 10, FK x 20, FM x 20 11’s: Starting at the edge of the parking lot, Burpee x 1, bear crawl to next line of parking spaces, Copperhead Squats x 10, lunge back, etc… Suicides: Mosey to Crabcake Soccer Stadium and muster on the goal line. Sprint 25 yards, Merkins x 25, sprint back. Sprint 50 yards (150 if you’re Fresh Prince), Monkey Humpers x 50,…

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