Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

40 and older club


5 grizzled veteran showed up for a Doozy Q at No Toll this morning and at 5:30 we set off for a tour of the AO

COP in back parking lot

DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Copperhead Squats, Snake Bites each leg, Merkins, LBC’s

Mosey to pavilion, what??? they closed the pavilion? No worries adapt and overcome.

(5) Increasing Man Killer Burpees – Man Killers starting at 5 after first set do one burpee after second set of 4 man killers do 2 burpees and so on and so forth

In front or on the side of the pavilion use the field for 11’s start on the opposite side with 10 plank jacks run back across for squats

Mosey to the parking lot for parking lot merkins 10 up and crab walk LBC’s by 2 on the way back down

Mosey to the corner for some four corner action

10 – merkins, 20 – WWII, 30 – SSH, 40 Plank Jacks

Mosey back to the flag oh but we have time left

3 PAX do Crab Cakes, 1 PAX does Heals to Heaven and 1 PAX Bernie Sanders about 15 parking spaces and back rotate until everyone has done 3 sets of Crab Cakes, 1 set of Heals to Heaven and 1 Bernie Sanders

Numbers / Names YHC took us out


Its getting to be the usual suspects that show up at certain AO’s and we had what I would call a large group at No Toll today of 5. The PAX really seemed to like the parking lot merkins this morning at least thats what YHC was hearing. THC has been modifying the man killers to include burpees in between each set and today showed some real promise but YHC limited it to 5 because he wasn’t sure how bad it would get with increasing the burpee count after each set. YHC sees no reason the PAX can’t get to 10 in one adventure “note to self”.


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