Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Price of Finishing Early


6 Young Studs arrived dressed in their Tuesday best for a Prom Date beatdown with the lush green fields at No Toll. Like many proms, most events were a bit hazy but this is what was recalled.

Mosey to the parking lot for quick warm up. SSH’s, Arm Circles, Reverso, Cherry Pickers, DQ’s, LBC’s, Inverted Scorpion Kicks. Everyone warm, lets hit the dance floor.

Mosey to the perfectly manicured green fields. Ideal condition for some slow dancing and soft whispers of anticipation. First Dance – 2 songs of 5 Points. Song 1 included the 80’s rock ballad of the following exercises 30 times in each corner of the field – Dips, WWII’s, Mountain Climbers, Jump Squats, Pickle Pounders. After each exercise rejoin your friends in the center of the floor for 3 burpees. Song 2 was a slow 90’s R&B number again of 30 count broken up by 3 burpees each time – Merkins, Dips, American Hammers, Monkey Humpers, Carolina Dry Docks. Shoes were left behind mangled in a pile, showing it was time to make the move.

Last Dance- lets pick up the pace a bit with some heavy metal 100’s. First person to 100 of each exercise calls out and PAX runs to the opposite field to find another dance partner. Rounds included Mountain Climbers, Monkey Humpers, SSH’s and the always popular calf raises (both in and out). We don’t discriminate at this party.

Time to treat her right, so we moseyed over to the parking lot for some 1 on 1 action. Partner up for Broad Jump Burpees between the curbs while partner runs. Round 2 was Polar Bear Merkins to get back to the room.

YHC was spent and just like in high school finished too early. Looking around at the disappointed faces, YHC had to think quick. No problem, back to the lush dance floor for a Merkin Ring of Fire. Doozy showed he still had the energy with Rocky Balboa’s.

Still time on clock and YHC went blank. Luckily Bone Thugs felt it was time for Hardywood to become a man, killer that is. Doozy led us and our already burning calves in the No Toll Mankiller tradition. Made it through 7 count and now BTTF for a long nap and happy thoughts.

Numberarma, Namarama, Announcements

Memorial Day Murph coming up quick. Details coming hot.

YHC took us out.


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  1. Great work this morning boys. Great to see Hardywood join the regular cast at No Toll and bring great chatter. Fields were in primo condition as expected. Proud of you boys.

  2. Way to bring the heat Last Call. I like the five points and will have to work that into my Q’s.

  3. Outstanding job Last Call. This was an all around solid Q and I had to give you kudos for a few of the funnies you slipped into the BB. Well done brotha!