Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Celebrity Sighting at No Toll


5 Gloom warriors ventured out of the wood work to find no Q on the sheet but YHC had made a text commitment to Bullseye the night before that if nobody else took the Q YHC would take it. 5:30 Doozy has the Q, lets mosey.

COP: DQ’s, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Cross leg stretches both sides, Inverted Scorpion Kicks, Regular Scorpion Kicks and Merkins, 5 burpees OYO

Mosey to the corner: Four corner prostitute

Corner 1 – 10 WWII’s, Corner 2 – 20 American Hammers, Corner 3 – 30 Sugar Sticks, Corner 4 – 40 Rosalitas or Hello Dollies

Mosey to the field: Modified triple check

Dips, Mountain climbers, Run (X3)

Mosey back to the parking lot: Modified parking lot merkins

Bear crawl, 3 merkins at 2nd line, crab walk, 3 merkins at 2nd parking lot repeat to the opposite side. On the way back lung to every other line for 1 burpee

Mosey back to the flag parking lot with time left

Balls to the wall on the fence for 1 minute run to the opposite side 5 Incline merkins and back to the fence, repeat for half the time, repeat for half that time

Numbers/names Bone Thugs took us out

NMS: So just as our COT was ending who should we see but the F3 Celebrity Rosie getting in some miles and swinging by to say hello. Though the Governor has not lifted the COVID restrictions yet I am encouraged to start seeing more PAX getting out to the AO’s.


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  1. Great work guys, glad to see Rosie this morning and looking forward to the day we can see 10 or more again.

  2. Nice work keeping the AO open gentlemen. Good to see everyone, hopefully we’ll all be back out in the gloom soon.