Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: 45 Minutes of Mary

Mary Munford Elementary

25 loitered around Mary Munford Elem. until it was time to head out into the gloom.., and many were carrying cinder blocks. Thang: Mosey to soccer fields (more on that later) for COP:  split jumps, scapula merkins, break dancers, Don Quixote Blockest Round 1: Partner up with one partner doing 15 swings while the other does flutter kicks then flapjack: repeato x3 Round 2: Partner one executes 10 goblet squat with overhead press while partner two does alternating lunges: repeato x3 Round 3: Partner one does 12 tree chops (6 ea side) while partner two does sit-up/hip-ups: repeato x3 Round…

Seventeen strong showed up for a tribute to March Madness, ignoring the irish holiday celebration. Quick mosey to the basketball courts for 4 right hand and 4 left hand layups before circling up for the basketball themed beatdown.   Here’s how it went down: COP – SSH x30 – High Knees x20 – Butt Kickers x20 – Monmouth Slide x15 – Tony Bennett Floor Slap x15 – Melvin Johnson 3 pointers x10 each side – Dive for the Ball (reverse flutters) x15 The Thang Dean Smith 4 corners.  Tribute to one of the most influential offensive schemes ever contrived.  The 4 corner offense resulted in…

17 RVA Pax, 1 cameo appearance from Greensboro, and 2 FNG’s met the gloom this morning with joy in their hearts to face what was advertised as a “run heavy” 45 MOM.  YHC did his best not to disappoint.  Here is what transpired: Warmup lap around the campus to standard COP spot: COP SSH X31 DQ (old man style) X15 arm circles:  10 little, 5 big, then reverso IW: X26 increasing in speed Incline Prom Dates:  X20 (OYO) for demonstration purposes THANG 5 Corners, or “it’s a friggin triangle, people” (named after Saab’s now infamous workout). Run the track, stopping…

A fairly large number descended upon MM to get a jump start to their day. This is what transpired… (Pre-meeting – F3 Corporate Office…) COT: SSH, DQ, Flutter Kicks, Merkins, LBCs. Perform Burpees between each (ascending count) Incline/Decline Merkins off benches next to school (10 each) Groups of 3: One person bear crawls 10 yards, performs 10 merkins, then bear-crawls backward start. Meanwhile, remaining 2 in rotation perform flutter kicks and LBC’s, respectively Sprint back and forth across tennis courts 4 corners around track: Group 1 – burpees (15…should have been 5), group 2 – Squat Jumps, Group 3, Merkins,…

F3 RVA: YHC has been fighting a bad knee, which has not helped my usual daily calorie burn. YHC have joined the Weight Loss Challenge, Anyone from RVA Game to Step up! March FATness : “Burpee Busters” (see what YHC did…. “March MADness : BRACKET Busters” … so clever) WHO: Any and all F3 Nation PAX willing to commit to losing a individually selected, predetermined amount of weight through disciple and hard work. WHAT: 1 Month Weight Loss Challenge! You vs You. You determine the weight loss (most PAX chose 10lbs which is a little less than a third of…

Ever thankful to be safe after an evening of frightening storm warnings and strong winds, 17 faithful RVA PAX assembled for a 45 min beatdown at 45MOMM. It went down something like this: THANG COP: 28 SSH, 28 Crab Cakes, 28 Dancing Chilcutts, 14 Granddad Don Quixotes, 20 Copperhead Squats, (something else?) Mosey around school and back to bus line. Curb Boxing: Always face Grove Ave and draw a box Bear Crawling or Crab Walking, 10 strides to the side when going Right to Left and Left to Right Bear Curb Boxing x 2 Crab Curb Boxing x 2 Bear…

20 Strong attacked MM in the gloom! COT: SSH, Windmills, EW, Flutter Kicks, LBC’s AC. Curb Crawls : Bear crawl to the curb incline merkin – crawl bear back decline merkin up the ladder to 10. Pavilion: 50 pole smokers Triple Check : teams of three – run to the fence and back – merkins – squats – repeat three times. Four Stations : break up into the 4 stations – 5 pull ups – 5 chin ups – WW11 sit ups Dips – twice around. Tennis court : Sprints across three courts – 2 @ 75% and 2 @…

21 intrepid souls joined together this morning in very frigid temperatures to get a beat-down (and hopefully warm up a bit). This is how it went… Partial run around MM. Meet up at basketball courts COT: Don Quixotes, SSH, Squats, Merkins, Flutter Kicks, LBCs – range 25 to 30 of each Mosey to field at “end-zone” and line up. Exercise: Ponzi Scheme or Madoff (still taking names for workout which was a mix of the Beast and a steady progression…with a little math involved): Run to 25 yard line, perform exercise, advance next 25 yards, repeat. Advance to end and…

21 brave souls ran into the morning fog for a different kind of Toga Q. Thang: Mosey to basketball court for COP: 10 burpees, 30 jump squats, 13 merkins, 13 lunges, 13 mtn climbers, 30 squats, 40 flutter kicks: repeato x2 then 10 burpees, 30 jump squats, 13 merkins (ran out of time) for the full mess Mosey to tennis courts for inaugural F3 Dodgeball.  It’s just like dodgeball, but you move to the side and do 10 burpees when hit.  You can then return to the game.  Play 8 minute periods with the winner being the team with the fewest…

19 faithful and 1 FNG braved the icy conditions at Mumford. 28 degrees and black ice abounded but the PAX put in a great workout: Mosey up and down commonwealth, slowly. COP attempted in the street but aborted, moved to the pavilion. COP: 40 SSH, 10 Merkins, 20 Flutterkicks, 20 IPS, 10 burpees OYO Stay in Pavilion for Dora 123- partner up for 100 merkins, 200 jump squats, 300 boxcutters. One partner runs to grove and back while others does exercise Partner shoulder presses – 20 reps each partner, repeato. PLTs – 20 count, 3 sets each. Finish with Mtn…

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