Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Outdoors, but under a roof


19 faithful and 1 FNG braved the icy conditions at Mumford. 28 degrees and black ice abounded but the PAX put in a great workout:

Mosey up and down commonwealth, slowly. COP attempted in the street but aborted, moved to the pavilion.

COP: 40 SSH, 10 Merkins, 20 Flutterkicks, 20 IPS, 10 burpees OYO

Stay in Pavilion for Dora 123- partner up for 100 merkins, 200 jump squats, 300 boxcutters. One partner runs to grove and back while others does exercise

Partner shoulder presses – 20 reps each partner, repeato. PLTs – 20 count, 3 sets each. Finish with Mtn climbers x30 then Ring of Fire

Mosey back to flag. Toga took us out in COT.


YHC had a very different  beatdown planned but the snow turning to ice caused a change in plans. The PAX was tight in the pavilion but stayed mostly dry. The Dora 123 YHC stole directly from Swirly’s BB from SOT yesterday.

Only YHC and Lab Rat had a good almost slip, but no wipeouts with all the ice. Welcome to Snooki (e)(sp) , great work on your 1st beatdown.  That makes a handful of Double- haters now at 45MoM. Also Chesney is headed back to Nashville next week, show them F3 boys there how RVA does it.

Prayers offered up for BT and hs family, thanks Toga for leading us out.

Announcements – regular workouts planned for rest of week.



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  1. Good workout HoneyDo- did I mention i hate box cutters ….. Man i’m feeling those bad boys ..
    Welcome Snookie !
    Constant prayers, positive thoughts, love, and well wishes flowing your way BT!
    See y’all in the gloom.

  2. Nice work winging it, Honeydo. Only suggestion I have is next time we do partner presses over concrete, lets do it from the knees. Less chance of pile driving partner(sorry Goose)!

    Thoughts and Prayers, BT.

  3. Great job on turning what could have been a disastrous workout into something manageable. I’m also terribly sad I missed Lab Rat pile drive Loose Goose. Let me know before you do it again.

  4. I’m bummed I missed that too Toga – thought I heard a crunch from across the pavilion – perhaps we could get lab rat and goose to give us a demonstration in the gloom 🙂

  5. The Dora is always good, although I’m still hurting from last week’s boxcutter bonanza so maybe it’s good I missed. Many thanks for the prayers, fellas. They are much appreciated and always needed.

  6. Nice audible Honeydo, there were plenty of slick spots out there to be avoided. I thought I heard some groaning out of Lab Rat and Goose as I was about to push Fudd heels over head.

  7. Studies show that pile driving is best done on Concrete; that reminds me, Goose, bring a bike tomorrow to the run, I can show you the proper technique on running over Lab Rat, as long as, LockJaw’s route doesn’t involve the Mystery Machine and finding the lost Pyramids of Egypt.

    Sorry to miss today! BT, I hope all goes well.

  8. Yes, pile driven. I’ll stick to the run tomorrow.

    Good Q with audible, Honey Do. You bring a good beatdown each time! I also had a good slip on the black ice on the way back to the shovel flag. Could have been bad but caught myself and made it back to the COT safely.