Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Get off my lawn!


25 loitered around Mary Munford Elem. until it was time to head out into the gloom.., and many were carrying cinder blocks.

Thang: Mosey to soccer fields (more on that later) for COP:  split jumps, scapula merkins, break dancers, Don Quixote

Blockest Round 1: Partner up with one partner doing 15 swings while the other does flutter kicks then flapjack: repeato x3

Round 2: Partner one executes 10 goblet squat with overhead press while partner two does alternating lunges: repeato x3

Round 3: Partner one does 12 tree chops (6 ea side) while partner two does sit-up/hip-ups: repeato x3

Round 4: Block merkin with over head press x 10 while partner holds side plank: started as x3 but scaled back to x2

Round 5: Bridge, Press, Pull-over x10 while partner does breakdancers: repeato x2

Round 6: 2 bent rows + 2 high pulls (10 reps) while partner does semicircle mtn. climbers: repeato x2

Round 7: back to back with partner while executing “The Rocky”= rotating passes of our friend, the cinder block

Back to flag and COT done well by Lab Rat

NMM:  So many things… for starters, someone please tell me the next time there is a sign that tells us to stay off the lawn.  YHC knows the Q is all knowing, but that little sign was missed in the gloom. We don’t want the natives trying to oust us.., again.  Great work by Splinter to EH the guy attempting to kick us out.  Speaking of getting kicked out, Lat Rat’s initial discussion on legalization of certain substances while on school grounds is not supported by F3 or F3 Corporate.  Get thee out to Colorado!  Side note: Does Lab Rat think of these before the workout to get more ink in the backblast?

This workout actually had more to do, but time prevented us from getting in two more rounds.  They’ll be saved for another blockfest or simply used in place for the tree choppers.  There was lots of mumble chatter about that one, and their value may indeed be questionable.  Speaking of questionable, how about those block merkins with presses?  Those even got Lab Rat quiet, and YHC may have been wise for dialing that back to two sets vs three.  Crowd pleasers like that will make another appearance.

It was a great turnout this morning!  Special thanks to our auditors from Charlotte and visitor from Davidson.  We love F3 tourism!

Last but not least, poor Fiona tried to pull a fast one on the PAX by claiming to be an FNG so he could get a new handle.  Nice try, but Fiona will stick.

Announcements:  Stay off the field!

Mary Mumford running club starting in 2 weeks.  It will be on Mondays, and see TYA for more info.

See Fudd to sign-up for last few foursomes in 4/25 tournament for American Society for Suicide Prevention

Two more opening plus alternates if anyone is interested in BRR, see TYA

Contact Toga with any names you’ve got for the Hampton Roads expansion.  The first workout will be 5/14.  The first three Saturdays will be led by Raleigh with the next 3 (6/4, 6/11, and 6/18) to be led by RVA.  We will take a group down for each of our weekends.  Plan now, and let me know if you have a desire to lead one of them.

Stay Classy,



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  1. Thanks for the ink. I expected to get mentioned for my faulty dumpster brick, not the 420 comment. Alas, any press is good press.

    Truly, I am chatty for entertainment purposes only…if not the entertainment of the Pax, at least for myself.

    Also, one last comment (for now), well done this morning…a serious upper body smack down.

    Wait, one more! to DK, sorry for stomping on your alma mater, brother!

  2. Apology accepted. Respect the Wildcats.

    And my apologies to the Q for not mumblechattering louder when the brickfest started in earnest and I said something like “Oh wow, we’re staying on a closed field…that’s a dick move.” However, I’m sure the Q heard Splinter and thought nothing of it when he lovingly responded “Who’s the dick for bringing it up?” Respect.

  3. Great call bringing back the blocks. Sore in new places after slinging that block around this morning. Much appreciated.

  4. @DK, I heard none of that over the other Chatty Kathys this morning. Thanks for trying!
    @JVille and Rosie, we can always do this more often.

  5. JVille, DK and I discussed it in the clown car on the way home. This option is now being explored in the startup study for the new Thursday AO at Godwin.

  6. Toga, nice work today, I did speak to Parks and Rec later in the day, they were wondering who they could contact about the damage to the feild, I gave them OBT’s cell number. Corporate doesn’t do lawns, only block ornamentation.

  7. Nice work. Block merkin burpees or whatever they’re called were legit. And contrary to public opinion, Fudd is a counting machine.