A fairly large number descended upon MM to get a jump start to their day. This is what transpired…
(Pre-meeting – F3 Corporate Office…)
COT: SSH, DQ, Flutter Kicks, Merkins, LBCs. Perform Burpees between each (ascending count)
Incline/Decline Merkins off benches next to school (10 each)
Groups of 3: One person bear crawls 10 yards, performs 10 merkins, then bear-crawls backward start. Meanwhile, remaining 2 in rotation perform flutter kicks and LBC’s, respectively
Sprint back and forth across tennis courts
4 corners around track: Group 1 – burpees (15…should have been 5), group 2 – Squat Jumps, Group 3, Merkins, Group 4, WWII Situps. Groups progress around loop as group complete prescribed number of burpees.
Burpee shuffle: Jog in place, person says go, everyone does a burpee. Repeat around circle. Indian run back to flag
Finish with a few Minutes of Mary: Flutter kicks, Merkins, LBC’s in rapid succession.
YHC started out by reminding everyone he had an injured back, thus explaining why he wouldn’t be his usual sunshine-and-lollipops demeanor. There was quite amount of mumble chatter during the COT which I couldn’t quite hear, but I’m certain it was both entertaining and likely at my expense. Enjoyed DK’s usual insight and guidance as I solicited input on the next Burpee count.
As YHC then asked the PAX to count off by 4’s, Tramp Stamp made a brief attempt to form a 5th group, but was quickly brought back in line and asked to stay with the rest of the PAX. Note: Prescribing a count of 15 for the Burpees segment turned out to be a mistake which left the remaining groups going too long. This was a result TYA articulated all too clearly (in his “gentile northern-style” manner of course.)
Finished up with a ring of burpees (a la Swirly). Appreciated PAX (Fudd?) calling me out for not raising my knees high enough near the end (did I mention my back hurt?).
Appreciated the audible in the end to split the line for the Indian Run (or rather “Indigenous People” run – in the parlance of our times). FlashDance – way to kick it out buddy and for embracing those things which challenge us the most.
Fudd is still looking for golf teams (and sponsors) for the charity he is coordinating to support suicide prevention. To that, TYA is looking for 4th man for his team…
Still have open slots for BRR (9 and 12 person teams). Bleeder also mentioned the mountain house we’ll be renting for use afterward.
Lab Rat will be hosting the happy hour in Mechanicsville this month (following the new F3 AO he is coordinating!) Word is, if you get a couple beers in him, he drops his quiet demeanor and becomes a bit chatty.
Weight challenge and running-mileage challenge this month. Not too late to sign up for one or both.
Friday – Run/Gears around MM (don’t let a little frozen precipitation dissuade you)
Saturday – Saab Q for Dogpile, DK Q for GridIron (Looks like potential for a double-dip folks).
Sunday – Trail run (chip-away at those 100 miles, and/or prep for the BRR). Shorter routes are also an option for those not accustom to longer runs.
Saab out.
Good Q as usual Saab… Those were the fastest windmills I’ve ever done – no wonder your back hurts bro..
See y’all in the gloom!
Way to push it Saab. I think you are gaining a reputation as someone who enjoys the burpee. Well deserved.
My back hurts now…weird…and I cannot unsee what was seen running behind TYA during the 2 column Indian Run.
All respect and love to TYA, but this one needs to be recorded for posterity:
“I can see your kidney stones in them tights.” -LabRat
Jackhammer Don Quixote will definitely leave a mark, and I have broken my pledge to give up burpees for Lent. Also, hats off to Offshore for doing the whole workout in strength shoes (“leapers”) that rocked back in ’86. That, too, will probably leave a mark.
You packed alot into that one Saab, nice work. Don Quixotes being done at whiplash inducing speeds, you against you, keep up if you can.
Way to pack it in there is about right. That was alot of several things. Way to bring it, Saab!
Great Q, thanks for the shout out, feeling really grateful I found you guys. What true blessing this group had been, all 3 Fs completed in one hour that’s a hour of power!!!