Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Two thoroughbreds and a clydesdale put themselves through their paces at the Swamp – here’s how it went: . 5 mi mosey from BWES to the swamp 4 x 400 = slow start to fast finish each lap 2 x 400 = moderate pace recovery 4 x 400 = fast on the turns, moderate on the straights 2 x 400 = moderate pace recovery 400 = 3/4 moderate, 1/4 fast 400 = 1/2 moderate, 1/2 fast 400 = 1/4 moderate, 3/4 fast 400 = fast all the way .5 mi mosey BTTF Numbers, names, YHC took us out. NMMS: YHC…

5 Davillians arriving at different times and got in the Monday morning run. Text went out the night before after Bulkhead suggested to YHC we should run tomorrow but meet at 6. YHC advise the text group with responses from Corned Beef and Marco Polo on the Hard Commits and Opus on the Soft Commit At 5:47 Bulkhead text out saying he would have to miss this morning. YHC arrived at the clubhouse around 5:52 to find Corned Beef and another car was already there. Turns out Sludge who has been on IR for a while decided to make it…

A PAX of 10 posted for Saturday’s GridIron. Quick mosey between cars and around the parking lot for the startup COP with Imaginary Jump Ropes x 50, Imperial Walkers x 15, Don Quixotes x 15, Helicopters x 15, Shoulder Taps x 10, Suzanne Somers x 10 (each side), and Arm Circles x (both ways, both kinds). Restart mosey and find our way to the artificial turf. Circle again and start exercise sequence involving 13 exercises, alternating chest, legs, and abs with a little cardio. Complete 13 reps of the first exercise and seven reps of the remaining 12 exercises. Next…

It’s been a long time since we had 4 guys at Manndate. It was great to see Mud Face back at Manndate! Yard Sales started off by warming everyone up: Russian Soldiers, Cherry Pickers, Freddy Mercuries, Tempo Merkins and Windmills. Four corners on basketball court: Markins, Calf Raises on 6×6’s, Heals to Heaven and Mud Face Squats. We went around 4 times – 10 each followed by 20, 30 and 40. The Q was handed over to Trout. Trout had us do 20 reps where you put your feet in the swing and pull them to your chest while in…

Fourteen fresh off spring break took to the grounds of Hoedown for an unintended hot potato. Here’s what went down. EF gave the 5 minute warning, Garbage Plate gave the 1 minute. At game time GP won the face off and away the PAX went. Mosey to the far end of the parking lot COP (IC) Cherry PickersDon QuixotesRussian SoldiersMerkinsAbdominal Risers (these have a name? if not, YHC recommends Snukas like Superfly coming off the top rope)LBCs Mosey down Lindsay and hang a right DORA P1 – HRMs x 100, Box Cutters x 200, Monkey Humpers x 300P2 – Run…

5 F3 Fearless Fellas, a guy named Patrick, and Peter the canine got together on a perfect day to run south of the river before returning North. Some took the trails (almost 7) and some the non trail loop (7.5). YHC took us out. NMS – While long runs have been later on Sundays, its been a while since river runs for YHC for no good reason. It could not be better than today. Warmer than over winter, but cooler than it could be. Decent enough overnight rain to wash out the pollen. Great 3rd F afterwards. Get Some!

Sometimes it’s sunny and 70 and other times it’s sunny and 70. Taking advantage, 2 hit the hills of Tuckahoe for a 4 plus mile jaunt. Route was Hoedown to Westham to Baldwin, across Patterson, circle the neighborhood, back across Patterson, onto Woodberry, then Horsepen, left on Hampshire/Wheeler/Bandy, through the woods onto College, right on University, return to Hoedown via Westham. Along the way M and 2.0 Bacon Bits were charmed by UpChuck not once, but twice. Discussion topics varied, landing on ACC sports at the very end. A topic on which YHC can actually keep pace with UpChuck.

COP typical warm up of SSHs, merkins, lbc, jazzercise, et al with good mumble chatter for a nice friday morn. Wilson admitted the only reason he made it was to let out the neighbor’s dogs this morning. THANG grab a coupon for a curls/skull crusher/bench press (without a bench), take a run down SH, rinse and repeat, up SH, repeato, down SH. Beast time for 666 merkins, SSH, WWII, dry dock, couple i don’t recall due to wine in charlottesville, and burpees. PAX revolted on burpee call but Q stuck to his guns. eventually the insurrection was curtailed and we…

Beavis and I got to timberwolf with little time to spare. DK and the prodigal son, Mr. Roper, were ready to roll. COP Stretches, merkins, and lbcs kung fu hustle – combo of martial arts and boxing exercises to warm us up THANG light pole alley – 10 merkins then 10 merkins 15 jump squats, adding on 20 plank jacks, 25 SSHs, 30 lbc, 35 dry docks. Almost finished, i call an audible for too many dry docks stacked on all of the other exercises when DK brought to Qs attention that 615 hit. Back for numberama, namarama, and prayers.…

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