Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

/ Schedule

12 heroes gathered in the gloom for a humid start to see how messy they would get before getting back in their cars. Unlike the movie, we all made it back. 5 Burpee start Mosey to pick up blocks, disclaimer, and COP all IC. Deadman hang, SSH, DQ, 20x small arm circles, 20x reverse small arm circles, 20x big arm circles, 20x reverse big arm circles, palms up, palms down, 5x Overhead clap, 5x Seal claps, 16x big arm circles, 25x LBC, 20x Freddie, 10x Bohemian Rhapsody, 10x Dollies, 10x grass angel, 10x Australian grass angel, 10x merkin, 10x wide…

Four hoss’s of the apocalypse gathered in the super humid gloom. After working a bit to find parking we got to it. Todays route included the secluded Addison street footbridge across the downtown expressway and a loop around the lake. 2.5 miles out, 1 mile back making the total mileage for today’s work 5.3mi. EF Hutton took us out. NMS – today was tough. 77F and 90% humidity with a storm on the horizon made for a unique day from a weather perspective. As tough as that is, training in those conditions has lasting benefit when it it cooler. After…

Departing the deluge of Bon Air and other points North, a strong PAX of 9 HIM’s gathering in the stifling humidity of Rock&Roll without a drop of refreshing rain in sight. No problem, we’ll bring our own sweaty rainfall to the AO. The THANG: WARMERAMA: Mosey loop around the lot & circle up on the basketball courtWelcome & DisclaimerVariable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom (heaps of 8-counts) COP #1: Ind.People’s Run to the Tennis CourtsLINDSEY:Donkey Kicks 10-15-20-25-30Chain Smokers 30-25-20-15-10Run across x3 courts between sets COP #2: Mosey via GRABASS back around the park loop -…

Six gathered on the grounds of Atlee High School with 3 different plans. Two rucked, 2 ran, and 2 did a running bootcamp. All were beatdown and extremely wet. This is what occurred. Yardsale and No Idea rucked through the campus of Atlee High School for about 3.5 miles. Corned Beef and Mr. Holland ran along roads and trails on the campus of Atlee High School and surrounding neighborhoods for about 5 miles. Helix and YHC did a running bootcamp for about 5 miles. This is what the the bootcampers did. Run 1.5 miles with Corned Beef and Mr. Holland.…

4 Brothers of the Wood took a chance on YHC’s idea of trying a new route today. Tried the utility road route that goes from the side of Rockwood Park out to Hull Street Rd. But after getting to Hull Street and realizing there were no sidewalks, YHC called an audible and we headed back to our bread and butter route through the Nature Trail and BTTF. 2 miles’ish covered before DTH’s beatdown. Mumble chatter included ongoing discussions of college football and conference shuffling, as well as Chaplain’s adeptness at maneuvering post graduate college courses.

YHC has been away for a bit traveling with the family, but now that YHC is back in town for a week it felt appropriate to get out there and Q it up a bit. YHC picked the Q but YHC’s daughter decided that she would feel sick the night before and stay up and make it a trip to the urgent care around 1 AM. All is fine now and my 2.0 is feeling great, but YHC was a slight bit tired Wednesday morning. But a trio of reliable Wdog regulars were there to greet YHC with smiles. 5:30…

6 men started and 5 men finished. McGruff let the coupons get the best of him. Prayers to him and hope he is well/gets better soon. YHC had grabbed the Q the night prior and planned an all inclusive Hot Potato. According to the Frogs here is what went down. (Frog count 139 in NM pool). COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Tic/Toc’s, Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Flutters, Dollies. The thang: YHC: Starting at rock pile run trails the the 2 cul-de-sacs and perform 20 each: Merkins, LBC’s and squats…

4 solid Davilians answered the call to defeat the fart sack on an incredibly “thick” Friday morning Mosey to flagpole Don Qs, Russian Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Crab Cakes, Helicopters, Leg Lifts(single leg) Mosey to picnic tables Partners x 3 — #1 skull crushers/run the loop-bearcrawl short side — #2 dips/run the loop-lunge shirt side — #3 flutter kicks/ run the loop- touch the rafters Mosey to blacktop 4corners- 10 merkins, add 20 flutterkicks, add 30 monkey humpers, add 40 sshs Mosey to front lot 4 Stations- 2 minutes each #1 – jumprope, kettlebell swing, medicine ball…

Seven stalwarts slew the Brookmont route. Most opted for the 5+ ish route, some did a little less. YHC took us out. Prayers for Supafly / long covid sufferers & Fudd’s M. NMS – great to see everyone today. It was humid. Handshake missed a rare day – better than any day at RAMM, ever. This is one of YHC’s favorite Currahee routes and the last hill on Crowncrest is a real fitness test. If you squint at the map you can see all sorts of little extensions that enable shorter / longer runs while everyone stays close. Get some!

3 enjoyed some running in the morning. We stopped for three rounds of 20 decline Merkings, 20 dips, and 20 LBCs. After that ran some more, stopping at a football field for a ladder of Burpees starting at one and ending at ten. Finished with more running.

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