Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

An act of defiance


Four hoss’s of the apocalypse gathered in the super humid gloom. After working a bit to find parking we got to it. Todays route included the secluded Addison street footbridge across the downtown expressway and a loop around the lake. 2.5 miles out, 1 mile back making the total mileage for today’s work 5.3mi.

EF Hutton took us out.

NMS – today was tough. 77F and 90% humidity with a storm on the horizon made for a unique day from a weather perspective. As tough as that is, training in those conditions has lasting benefit when it it cooler.

After the hubub over the last few weeks and years, and reading about last weeks updated Fourth of July feelings toward the flag, it occurs to YHC that running with a shovel flag might be viewed by some as an act of defiance and an attempt to trigger. That flag oversaw more than a few atrocities to be sure, but is also the beacon of light for so many, for so many things the nation gets right and where we cant be right at least far better than the worst alternatives. To YHC it is an example of what we want to be.

The windshield is far more important than the rearview mirror.

Get some!


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  1. Great seeing you all out there! After what Rosie and YHC have been through with injuries for both of us it feels great to be running again. Seeing Splinter at a DogPile and ready for a BC was a real treat. Hutton has become our rock – I cannot think of a time that I have been to BC lately that he was not also there.

    Gitty up!

  2. Great to run with you guys this AM. I’ll have to mix this in more than once every two years. Great conversation and camaraderie.