Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

YHC was excited to start the short work week afternoon workout at punisher and here is what went down. COT We moseyed to the front of the school for a quick warm up with 10 SSH, 10 DQ, 10 American Hammers 4ct, and 20 merkins. THANG YHC set up a 10 cycle Tabata workout and each Cycle was 8 sets of 20 seconds exercise and 10 second rest totaling 4 minutes. The following exercises: Cycle 1 (C1) – Merkin (10 reps then plank for remaining time before rest.) C2 – Lunge C3 – Flutter kick C4 – Alternating Merkins C5…

2 Davillians got their Turkey week with some miles. YHC started early from Rutland clubhouse and ran into Trout when he was about to head out of Atlee. Trout quickly turned around and the two us ran through Honey Meadows, King Charter then cross over Atlee Station. Stayed on the right side of the road heading south back to Atlee HS. Trout slow down his pace at Taylor Farms but got in 4ish. YHC headed back to Rutland by way of the Bojangles route 6 miles SPIT ON THAT!!

9 strong challenged themselves to a bit of an Indian summer morning to start the week off right. YHC was happy to see quite the contingent making their way down the hill to the flag as I sped by on my bike. According to the white Tesla here is what happened. Mosey to and fro in the lot. COP: 20 SSH’s, 10 each: DQ’s, Imperial walkers, cherry pickers dead man hang, Russian soldier, Merkins. (Some counts may have been 9 but sho’s counting? Obviously not YHC. The thang: Mosey up Satan’s hill. 4 corners combined with a triple check. Group…

There were 12 ready to go at the strike of 5:30 this morning at Hoedown. Here’s what went down: COP: Mosey to first Third Church parking lot. Deadman hang // DQs // Cherry Pickers// Imperial Walkers // Copperhead Squats // LBCs // Crabcakes // Merkins // Werkins // Diamond Merkins // SSHs 21s // 5 Burpees. Mosey to middle church lot. Triple Check: Round 1- P1: Copperhead Squat with Coupon. P2: Curls with Coupon, P3: Run the circle. // Round 2- P1: Overhead Press with coupon, P3: Lunges with Coupon, P3: run to the end of the lot, Bernie Sanders…

3 Road Warriors made the trip from ET’s to DogPile, 4 made the trip back. Along the way Hitch told tales of his military days in which smoking was rewarded with a 10 minute break on the hour every hour. Non-smokers kept digging, naturally Hitch picked up smoking.

4 studs graced the brisk cool morning for a cool down walk. Oddly no runners have been showing up. Must be tapering……………. We decided to go a different way and saw some cool houses. Prayers to Aisle 5, who is a consistent walker to heal up as we missed him out there! Coffee and conversations were the highlight of the morning as usual.

Gearing up to justify overeating their Thanksgiving favorites, 26 veteran fartsack escapees posted to Dogpile for a DTH smokefest classic. Here’s how it went down: The THANG: COP #1: Mosey down to form up in the Amphitheater Welcome & F3 DisclaimerThe usual Variable Warmerama COP #2: BURPBACK MOUNTAIN:Partner up with another cowboyP1 starts BurpeesP2 runs to top of steps & backComplete x100 Burpees as a teamFront runners help the SIX and/or join DTH in variable Mary COP #3: Mosey to the Rusty CagePull-ups x5 ICHanging leg lifts x5 ICMerkins x10 ICComplete x3 sets together COP #4: Mosey to the Carillon front…

16 boys came to the yard at recess and went their own ways. Choices – ride a bike, run a long ways, or run a shorter than long ways (reverse Carillon). Pullout’s pullout game is still strong. Good job men. Stay safe, prayers to Kubota on a swift recovery, and hope he didn’t get everyone sick at Saab’s birthday outing. We can all blame Saab right? -Singer

YHC rolled into Satan’s Hill with what he thought was 1 minute to spare. YHC found Wilson had already started COP! 4 SH faithful and a traveler from far away lands, Chaplain, had made the journey. According to the now silent frogs this is what went down. COP- Wilson stated, YHC picked up with SSH, DQ’s, deadman hang, Arm circles, Helicopter, etc. Mosey to top of Satan’s Hill. Big 4 corners with 20 merkins, 20 WWII’s, 20 plank jacks and 40 LBC’s. Run to the Cinderblock pile aka Cindy pile. Do 15 flutters, 15 dollies, 15 Rosalita’s at each corner…

5 history buffs or possibly 4 history buffs and a math major that accidentally found himself in a history class today arrived at BW to see what YHC could learn them. Mossey to the top of Twin Team for C.O.P. DQ’s, Helicopters, Dead Man Hangs, Cherry Pickers and Imperial Walkers As the story picks up from our last adventure the landing team goes in search of the Beast of Twin Team. To do this they must make a stop at each one of their trail markers as per the map. On our way down the hill our adventurers had to…

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