Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

11 strong posted for Mary this morning and here is how it went down. Team up for a 5k the hard way 25 merkins 25 squats at the start – run down grove and repeat exercises at Lexington – at Matoacca and at Three Chopt run back towards Mary and repeat – exercises at Mattoca at Lexington – back at Mary. Curb Crawl ladder – 1-5 and back down. Ring of Fire – 5 merkins – each pax member calls one out for the group to do. Garbage Plate took us out. Way to work guys thanks for letting me…

YHC planned a new route this morning and this kept things fresh with only repeat was the return over the train track on Atlee Road. This had some hills but was a good mix for all the PAX. See route below: This finished at about 4.2 Miles so a Bojangles loop would add another 1/2 mile. Namerama, Numberama. Opus took us out in Prayer. The morning was crisp but great for a run, have a great day gents. Cheers….CB!

So on this day in 1986, YHC broke out of the rat line and in celebrating this occasion that happened 35 years ago the following went down on this cool 30 degree morning for 5 F3 brothers that showed up for a morning sweat party: COP We mosey to the Amphitheater and perform 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 15 Helicopters, 15 arm circles (10 small and 5 big), reverso, 10 Russian Soldiers, 10 Imperial walkers, 10 4ct LBC’s, 10 reverse scorpions, 10 Iron Cross, 10 scorpions and 20 merkins. THANG Since we had five we divided into groups of 2 (YHC…

7 faithful joined to discuss the difficult topic of Forgiveness. We went over Matthew 18, Romans 3:21-24. Christ tells us all are worthy of grace & forgiveness and practicing forgiveness with others allows us to accept his grace. Lots of good discussion and some good examples of the difficulty of this topic in their own life. Couple of PAX tearing up, including YHC, means we all have work to do. Plus Boberry’s new 2.0 made an appearance!

Nine early birds, including one First Watch neophyte, gathered under the waning gibbous for a moderately heckled Q. After the board minutes were approved, off we went down South Ridge stopping at Country Squire for: COPSSH x15Helicopters x10Imperial Walkers x15Copperhead Squats x15WWIIs x10Merkins x10 The ThangShort jaunt around the bend, stopping at the first mailbox for descending count burpees. Run to first mailbox, 5 burpees, run back to where we started 4 burpees, continue until 1 burpee. Yes, that’s correct, 15 burpees. Putter up Country Squire, across River, to a right on Club Vista. Stop about a third of the…

7 Davillians gathered on a dry 30 degree morning to attack the day. YHC agonized about this Q for several days(gotta stop doing that). Miraculously, it ended up working out! Here we go: COP: Invisible Jump Ropes, Hillbillies(Opus), Cat Burglars, Flutter Kicks THANG: Speedbumps #1- 5 Body Builders #2- 5 Body Builders, 10 Copperhead Squats #3- 5 Body Builders, 10 Copperhead Squats, 15 Curb Toe-Taps(2 count) #4- 5 Body Builders, 10 Copperhead Squats, 15 Curb Toe-Taps(2 count), 20 Flutter Kicks #5-5 Body Builders, 10 Copperhead Squats, 15 Curb Toe-Taps(2 count), 20 Flutter Kicks, 25 Monkey Humpers #6-5 Body Builders, 10…

An illustrious 18 came forward today to determine if spring or winter weather would prevail. It turned out to be a little of both. The routes had 4s, 5s, and 6s launching in all directions only to convene on Westham Parkway to finish with the Westham Station and Bat Cave approach. 4s started with the “path in the woods” (lakewood, wood, beechwood), 5s to the main entrance and picked up the wooded trail and up Ridge Top, and 6s took the Boatwright hill, Honaker, Patterson route. Saab took us out.

8 strong found a frost-free HBR. 7 were there on time and unable to lose Handshake as he came in hot on our mosey to the COP. We did: COP: Don Qs, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers, Freddy Mercurys, Merkins. Mosey over to PES front for Dora 123: 100 V-Ups, 200 Merkins, 300 Jump Squats. Head on over to the blacktop behind QMS: 10 HRMs each basketball hoop with bear crawl in between. 6 hoops in total. Grab a spot on DK wall: 40 Donkey kicks & 50 LBCs. Then down to Coupon depository for 3 rounds of: 15 Block Pullovers…

A dirty and soon-to-be slushy dozen posted to No Toll to see what was up. Here’s how it went down: The THANG: grab the shovel flag and mosey to the lower parking lot for Old Glory – Two laps around all fields (1 mile) corner 1: merkins x 20 corner 2: jump squats x 20 corner 3: burpees x 10 (x 20 if you’re a Davillian) corner 4: WWIIs x 20 AMLAP in 20:00 minutes Two laps around all fields (1 mile) to Double Your Pleasure™️ BTTF for Merkin Ring of Fire and some old man cool down stretches. Numbers,…

Several PAX and many M’s, and 2.0’s showed up to Satan’s Hill to Run or Walk 3.1 miles in honor of Rare Disease day. In spite of the rain a good time was had by all. Cheers to OC, Boberry and Rosetta for also running 10 miles that AM. Appreciate the support.

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