Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Murph Graded on a Curve


A quartet of SOJ studs descended on Twin Team for a Last Call beatdown with the lunar calendar showing the last Friday of the month. Taking a page from Honeymoon, a Murph was called by the light of the moon. Here is how it went down:

Quick 1,600 meter mosey around James River High school to include 1 lap around the track and back up to Betty Weaver fields. Collect Bullseye along the way. Warmarama around the equipment that included arm circles and dead man hang followed by the Murph rountine. 10 pull ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats followed by a run across the field and back. Complete 10 rounds holding for the 6 after each round. Pull ups became more of an arm hang for YHC during the 1st round until completion, you vs. you.

Murph completed with time to spare, lets continue to work the shoulders with a curb crawl around the bus loop, indigenous people style. Caboose lunges to the front and repeato until time.

Names, Numbers, Announcements, YHC took us out

Announcements: Sip & See Retreat this weekend where Gumbo is primed to retain Corn Hole Crown. His M has found a special place in the home for the trophy to be displayed. T Claps to Bone Thugs with his incredible story and health improvement. See slack for his details.

NMS: Some mumble chatter this morning to include seeing long time acquaintances that have held up over the years. Doozy called the Murph early on noticing the unusual running distance for a Last Call Q. Moonlight really helped navigate the damp field. Good to see some regulars at Twin Team. Hope to continue sports discussion as it is a great start to the weekend. Safe travels to those going to the retreat.


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