Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

YHC showed up with 2.0 to go for a run and met Speakeasy at the Rutland Clubhouse. Hash wanted to do an out and back run through Kings Charter for 5 miles and Speakeasy was up for the challenge. YHC decided the Taylor Farm 4 mile route was in order for this early morning run. The bridge over the train tracks is a great hill going out and returning! Great morning for a run! No Idea and Mr Holland ruck walked 4 miles this morning. Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out.

Three rock stars enjoyed an intimate gathering filled with mumblechatter and Jumping Herpees. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure:Mosey to the basketball court for Warm-ups:Ukranian Soldiers, Helicopters, Mummy Kicks (??), Alabama Prom Dates, Monkey Love Makers (slow Monkey Humpers), Plank Jacks, Carolina Dry Docks, Broga including the pigeon, Hip Flexor Stretch, etc. Mosey to Basketball Court 2 for Exercise One: Ring around the Toadie: Frog jumps going clockwise around the perimeter of the court. Finished two laps. Mosey to the back of the park, stopping for Pole Smokers (x25), Flutter Kicks (x50), LBC’s (x75). On the Nature…

It was perfect running weather today. We finished the nature trail and headed back up the gravel road. Enjoyed getting to know House Party and hearing his perspective on the group.

Seven studs got together on a perfect 70 and sunny morning. After a choose you own adventure discussion, the Q called the old pump route. Pump, Burnside, Glen Eagles, old Pump, Three Chopt, JRP and BTTF. Extra credit for short pump park extension. Gypsy took us out.  Prayers for Lab Rat, Blue Moon, Pigskin NMS – in two years the pax have had limited fauna sitings so some pax could hardly contain their excitement this morning – lots of folks out enjoying the weather. Good to see Mr Rogers out again when we started Currahee , Mr Rogers kept the…

To say I have been blessed to be a part of F3 RVA is an understatement. Thank you ALL for the many years of dealing with YHC! I know I can be a handful! And so the adventure begins..! For those who travelled, you missed a Wilson Q. Maybe only 3 or 4 more in my whole entire lifetime. YHC’s plan looked amazing on paper. There may have been an audible or two. Here was the plan. Mosey and grab coupons. Head to main stage. Yup. Those vets know. A Wilson stage workout was about to begin. Set the speaker…

As I recall, three regulars, one Kotter, and an FNG made it to the first Punisher of May. Several of us came in hot, quickly agreeing to Hot Potato Q. Warmup on the western edge of the AO. Jog to the outdoor classroom for Dips and Step Ups. Continue mosey to the playground and took turns with one guy completing Jerkins while the others complete ab exercises. Suicides sequence on the blacktop. Mosey around the school and find the wall for a final sequence. Welcome to Ron Burgundy.

One PAX again for a Wednesday run at The Clinic. Temps were 70 and sunny; conditions were 85 and fully saturated. According to the dude going left at the intersection, who then stopped, reversed backwards through the intersection, and then turned right, the following directions were given and then followed: Exit hotel along the east loop (past DHL), cross Peters, right through YHC’s office complex, left at 78th, another left on 78th (yeah, deal with it or show up on-site and you can see for yourself), and left on Federated to Broward. Reverso BTTVSF. Number, name, YHC took himself out.…

10 dudes showed up to pump some iron at SH this morning! COP – SSHs, DQs, Copperhead Squats, LBCs, Helicopters, Arm Circles Grab a coupon circle up for 40 mins of round robin. Curls, Triceps, Row, WWIIs, six inches, Runs Numbers, Names, Oyster took us out. Duke

6 of SOJ’s finest got together at Bettie Weaver Elementary for another round of Twin Team action. YHC promised minimal upper body work due to extreme thumb socket soreness. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure:Mosey to the JRHS parking lot for Warm-Up:Ukrainian Soldiers, Helicopters, Apple Bottom Poppers, Hand Release Merkins, Butt Kicks, High Knees, Karaoke x 2, Dead Man Hang. Exercise One: River Ab Run – Mosey through Robious Landing Park to the River, stopping periodically for 25 count ab exercises: LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Partner Leg Tosses, Pole Smokers, American Hammers, Hello Dollies, WWII sit-ups. Exercise Two:…

What do you get when you mix sweat, brick dust, and a glorious 70 degree sunrise? Well friends, that’s the Forge beating HIM’s into razor sharp blades for massive Kingdom impact. Forever written into the anals of the revered Smokefest Scrolls, this routine will be one to tell the grandchildren: The THANG: WARMERAMA: Mosey the upper loop and circle upWelcome & DisclaimerVariable IC Reps to get the muscles warm top to bottom COP #1: Mosey past YHC’s truck to collect the BRICK COUPONS (2 per PAX)Alternate x5 Hand-Release (Brick-Slide) Merkins with x5 WWII (Holding Bricks overhead) at each light pole…

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