Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Crosby, Stills, and Nash

The Story of the Crosby, Stills & Nash Album Cover | Best Classic Bands

Three rock stars enjoyed an intimate gathering filled with mumblechatter and Jumping Herpees. Here is a brief summary for your viewing pleasure:

Mosey to the basketball court for Warm-ups:

Ukranian Soldiers, Helicopters, Mummy Kicks (??), Alabama Prom Dates, Monkey Love Makers (slow Monkey Humpers), Plank Jacks, Carolina Dry Docks, Broga including the pigeon, Hip Flexor Stretch, etc.

Mosey to Basketball Court 2 for Exercise One: Ring around the Toadie: Frog jumps going clockwise around the perimeter of the court. Finished two laps.

Mosey to the back of the park, stopping for Pole Smokers (x25), Flutter Kicks (x50), LBC’s (x75).

On the Nature Trail Exercise equipment: Triple Check.
Runner goes to the garden and back. Partner 2 (Jerkins), Partner 3 (WWII sit-ups on the bench).

Mosey to the grass hill for Exercise Three: Victory Hill (x7)

On the way back to the basketball court: Hand Release Merkins (x25), Mountain Climbers (x 50, 2 count), Squatting Raise the Roof (x75)

Exercise 4: A couple laps around the basketball court, alternating exercises on each side of the court.

Round one: Crab Walk, Bernie Sanders, Crab Walk, Bernie Sanders.
Round two: Bear Crawl, Side Shuffle, Crawl Bear, Side Shuffle.

Round three: Hoppin’ Lt. Dan’s, Karoake, Hoppin’ Lt. Dan’s, Karaoke
Round four: Jumping Herpees, run, Jumping Herpees, run.

Back to the flag for Numbers/Names/Announcements

YHC took us out.

Final thoughts: Strong work put in by the PAX this morning! Crosby, Stills, and Nash was the first rock trio that popped into my mind – I am sure there are many others worthy of a backblast title. Really enjoyed hanging with HP and Snuff this morning!

The sky is clearing and the night has cried enough
The sun he comes the world so often up
Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice but to carry on

The fortunes of fables are able to sing a song
Now witness (oh) the quickness with which we get along
To sing the blues, you’ve got to live the dues
And carry on

Carry on love is coming
Love is coming to us all


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1 Comment

  1. I love the unusually small workouts. It had to be a good time, I’m sure Snuff kept things real.