3 Zombies arose groggy and shuffled to Rockwood Park’s inaugural Monday Morning OTB boot camp. No one but us witnessed the following :
On basketball court, two different knee stretches for 8 minutes.
Mosey to tennis courts
Triple Check : Partner 1 runs to opposite end and back, Partner 2 does Merkins, Partner 3 does Big Boi Sit Ups
Lindsay : Run to opposite end and do 10 Jump Squats, run back and do 30 LBC’s. Add 5 reps each round to the Jump Squats and decrease 5 reps each round for the LBC’s until you complete 40 Jump Squats and 10 LBC’s.
11’s : Run to opposite end and do 1 Merkin, run back and do 10 SSH. Increase merkins by 1 rep and decrease SSH by 1 rep until 10 Merkins and 1 SSH have been completed.
Line up at starting line. 1 person runs around perimeter of tennis courts while the other 2 lunge walk to the opposite side. Rotate the runner. Repeato same process back to starting line.
Mosey BTTF but realize Big Rig left his headlamp so turn around to mosey back to tennis court. Grab lamp and mosey all the way BTTF.
Numbers, Names, YHC took us out in prayer after COT
NMMS : T Claps to Big Rig for reaching out to YHC to ask about an earlier morning workout option that started at 4:30 am near him. When YHC suggested he could start a workout himself, Big Rig immediately replied Yes, he’d like to do that at Rockwood Park. 99.9% of men would have used their work schedule as an excuse not to post to F3 but this HIM instead looked for another way to post. And T Claps to Chaplain for making a longer drive than us to post this morning. It wasn’t expected but it was much appreciated.