Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: Richmond, VA

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“Now you must free yourself from sloth,” my master said, “for sitting down or lying under covers, no one comes to fame, without which whoever consumes his life leaves such vestige of himself on earth as smoke in air or foam on water. Therefore get up, overcome your panting with the spirit which wins every battle if it does not sink with its heavy body…” Dante’s Divine Comedy, CANTO XXIV – Vanni Fucci, 46-54 A stunning 15 bodacious beauties assembled on The Forge stage as this year’s Homecoming Court nominees. Many judges gave favorable nods towards young DTH, who’s recent…

8 PAX, including the ever elusive flying EH FNG, came out on a truly 70 and sunny morning to soak in the humidity. Fudd missed the balmy RVA weather so much he drove in from CO to get a sweat on. COP: SSH, Don Qs, Flutterkicks, Imperial Walkers, Merkins (no scorpion kicks 🙁 Mosey to dip bars for Dora 123: 100 Dips, 200 LBCs, 300 SSH. Then onto blacktop for 4 corners: 5 Burpees, 10 WWIIs, 15 HRMs, 20 Jump squats. Hitchhiker had so much fun he asked us to double it: 10 Burpee, 20 WWIIs, 30 HRMs, 40 Jump…

My brothers, just over two years ago, I, like many of you, was looking to find that something that was missing in my life. I maintain that I was not a Sad Clown, but by no means was I fulfilled. That all changed when by happenstance, I met a guy named Patton Gleason (no chance his junior year HS picture was ever displayed in a mall near the Food Court with a name like that). As google would indicate, he was a TED Talk giving, Style Weekly 40 Under 40 winning, dark jeans wearin’, random 80s baseball knownin’, energy machine…

6 Davillians arrived on a Wednesday morning for a KB fun. This is how it went down Warmup – Mosey around the parking lot twice COP (ALL IC) – SSH x 51 (Happy Birthday Yard Sale), DQ, Goblet Squats, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks + KB Hold, Halo x10 + Triceps overhead x5, Reverso. THANG Kettlebell Ladder Complex – 5 exercises strung together intelligently so they can be performed from one into the other without rest or having to stop in between. … Start with 1 rep set and up to 10 reps Slingshotssingle Arm DeadliftSwingsSquatsSitup + Press Demon Crushers x25 IC…

4 Goliaths gathered for a gallop to Gayton ES on a great morning. NMS The actual 5 mile route was a little more sporting: Instead of going to Gayton, YHC decided to recon for a spider trail to get to Church Rd from Laclede or over to Copperas – we ended up back on Ridgefield for a 5.5 total route. Bodo’s would have liked the suspense and drama and this is a reminder that he should come out. The only wildlife to report is one bunny and 2 deer.

“Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance’s have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation? There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us! It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. The war is actually begun!…

Three First Watch newbies and two veterans hit the mean streets of River Road this morning in the very early gloom. After Hardywood and BT worked their way around the back of the church trying to find the correct parking lot, it was time to roll. Mosey to the front of the church for: COP (early ’80s edition): Deadman Hang Regular, left leg over right leg, right leg over left leg Helicopters Don Quixotes Russian Soldiers Jazzercises Suzanne Somers’ both sides (a Hardywood favorite) Freddie Mercury’s Mosey down River Road and make a stop at Saab’s driveway. Face away from…

Don Draper logged in to prevent YHC’s crawl back to the fartsack for a beatdown that went something like this: COP: SSHs, IWs, DQs IC Optimus Prime: 7 sets of 7 reps of 7 exercises, with 20 Mountain Climbers on the side of each set to simulate running. Exercises: Diamond Merkins, Pickle Pounders, Touch Knees, WWIIs, Jump Squats, J Los, Burpees American Hammers IC COT Announcements: HDHH tonight, 3rd F next Tuesday at 8pm, Tron next Monday at 5:30am, VR Dawg next Wednesday at 5:30am. NMS: YHC wanted to try a virtual Beast, but rather than just slay the Beast,…

3 SOT regulars or what used to be the regulars found themselves together at The Source to see what Doozy had on the books for today Mosey to bus loop COP DQ’s, Dead man Hangs, Helicopters, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers Mosey to Door #1 Alternating doors – Merkins and Squats 33 doors total with 20 having an A and a B side. The number on the door is the number to do. PAX liked it so much we cheerfully decided to do it again but with SSH’s and Plank Jacks instead BTTF – Hold 6″ for a Ab…

5 Gents and a dog hit the streets of Midlo on Sunday and crossed paths at a safe distance. Rosie is rumored to have hit 13 miles, Gumbo knocked out 10 plus, followed up by Hitchhiker and Honeymoons 7.5 miles. Duke got 4.5. Strong work gents, love seeing things getting back to normal slowly!

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