Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Browsing: WDog

Byrd Park

I said what I said. 4 men excited to take on the day. This is how it went down:Warmarama SSHDON QSSHARM CIRCLESFLUTTERMERKINSSSHMosey to find some Coupons 3 rounds – partner CouponsPartner 1 run to down the hill, run backPartner 2 CURLS RepeatPartner 1 run down the hill, run backPartner 2 overhead pressesRepeatPartner 1 run down the hill, run backPartner 2 Brick burpeesRepeat Mosey to the field.1. Coupon run to the 50 drop coupon and run to the end and back. Grab brick on the way back. 2. Coupon Lunge to the 50 drop coupon run to the end and back, grab…

Five pre-turkey day warriors showed this morning for a hot potato, or should YHC say hot mashed potatoes – pun intended. Swirly took the first hot potato and lead us over to the carillon for some stretching. We started with the deadman hang – always a crowd favorite. Then we went into some more stretching, and some merkins. Swirly then moseyed us on over to love hill. Partner up, one partner is at the bottom making their way up alternating between polar bears, lunges, and broad jump burpees. Oyster then took the hot potato and we headed over to the…

YHC here, for a late but not forgotten BB. Yup, YHC was the only one that didn’t have a hat on what is so far the coldest morning of 2019 and 2020. It was a hot potato Q for a Wednesday morning W-Dog. Swirl-y started us out with some mosey-ing to the Carillon and much needed stretching. There were lots of creaks and groans as the cold seeped into our bones. Deadman hang, Donny-Q’s, right knee right elbow, left knee left elbow, some merkins and side straddle hops and a few other Swirly morning favorites and the crew was ready…

6 of RVA’s Finest arrived on a warm November Gloom to celebrate Veterans Day F3 Style. This how it sent down THANG Old Glory YHC grabbed the SF and off we went on our 1 mile run around Dogwell Dell. We took the uphigh route pass the pump house to the Carillon Field. After some quick stretching the time was set for about 20 minutes and the PAX did laps around the field stopping at each corner to complete an exercise. They were as follows: 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 WWII Situps, 20 (2ct) American Hammers. The PAX stayed together…

YHC met with two other spud loving PAX members for a cool morning in one of the City’s finest parks, with the best work out facilities. Oyster started us out precisely at 5:30 AM. We moseyed on over to the circle for the COP. Mix of merkins, Don Quixote’s, LBCs, side straddle hops, and more. YHC’s memory is failing but we did get in a good deal of merkins. Next Oyster moseyed us on over to the cage for a good ole’ fashion cage match. It went down like this: three rounds, three people, three exercises, timer runs to the…

Nine of us, including an FNG, gathered in the paradigmatic gloom for a beatdown. Here’s what happened: COP in Amphitheater: Deadman Hang // DQs // Cherry Pickers // Lt.Dans // Imperial Walkers // LBCs // Crabcakes // Merkins // Elbow Planks // Pickle Pounders Dora in Amphitheater: P1 runs the circuit, P2 performs exercises.100 Jump Squats200 Incline Merkins300 2-count Flutter Kicks 5 Burpees OYO. Mosey to Rusty Cage Rusty Cage: Round 1: 5 Pull Ups // 10 Froggers // 15 LBCs . 3xRound 2: 5 Body Rows // 10 Plank Jacks // 15 Reverse Crunches. 3xRound 3: 5 Chin ups…

October 16th, 2015 F3 RVA was forever changed. From that date forward every workout has mysteriously been 70 and sunny. Here’s what transpired on the 5th anniversary (observed): Mosey to the Amphitheater. COP Dead Man HangDQsCopperhead SquatsJazzercisesSSHsMerkinsSuzanne Somers L/RFreddie Mercurys Mosey toward Rusty Cage Triple Check P1 – Run to Cage 10 Pullups and backP2 – Monkey HumpersP3 – Heals to Heaven Mosey to Front of Carillon Triple Check 2 P1 – Bear Crawl to Fence and 10 WWIIsP2 – Hand Release MerkinsP3 – Imperial Squat Walkers Mosey to Bamboo Hut Triple Check 3 P1 – Wall ClimbsP2 – WWIIsP3…

A lucky 7 emerged from the gloom for WDog on a beautiful fall morning. With no-one on the Q sheet, Swirly took the proverbial bull and kicked off our hot potato. Swirly COP: A bunch of stretching stuff, then a bunch of ab exercises and some merkins. Oyster on the Field: Oyster kicked us off with a Washington Football Team Run around the perimeter of the field. Next, four corners: Merkins x20, Jump Squats x20, Burpees x10, WW2s x20. Shiplap with the Coupons: At the stage, Shiplap led us in a series of exercises with coupons, including bench press, overhead…

Three strong men and one lady came in the quiet morning after the first presidential debate. Here is how it went down: The PAX moseyed to the square in front of the Carillon and Swirly voluntarily led the COP as follows: 20X SSH, 20X imperial walker, 20X LBC, 10X Merkins, various types of plank positions, 10X Helicopters. Exercise #1: Four corners. WWII at 1st corner, lounged to and merkins at 2nd, bear-crawled to and 20 squats at 3rd, lounged to and 10X burppes at 4th corner. Moseyed to the Ha’ Penny stage. Exercise #2: 3 sets of the coupon exercise.…

We had nine men show up for a cool 48 degree morning workout and YHC was ready to go and here is what went down: COP We mosey down to the pump station at the bottom of the hill and circle up for 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 15 Russian Soldiers, 15 Imperial Walkers, 25 American Hammers(2ct), 15 reverse scorpions, 15 scorpions and we are ready to roll. THANG We start with a Route 66 workout with 1 merkin at the first light pole mosey to 2nd light pole 2 merkins, and continue until we get to the 11th light pole…

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